Презентация, доклад по теме :May Day(Майский день)

May Day is on the 1st of May. We celebrate with a bank holiday on the nearest Monday.

Слайд 1A History of May Day

A History of May Day

Слайд 2May Day is on the 1st of May. We celebrate with

a bank holiday on the nearest Monday.
May Day is on the 1st of May. We celebrate with a bank holiday on the nearest

Слайд 3May Day marks the time when the whether is beginning to

get warmer after a cold winter. It has been celebrated for over 2000 years.
May Day marks the time when the whether is beginning to get warmer after a cold winter.

Слайд 4Many years ago people would celebrate by dancing in their villages,

having archery competitions and competitions of strength.
Many years ago people would celebrate by dancing in their villages, having archery competitions and competitions of

Слайд 5They would crown a pretty girl May Queen. She would sit

in a flowery chair and watch the dancers.
They would crown a pretty girl May Queen. She would sit in a flowery chair and watch

Слайд 6One of the traditions that you may still see today is

may pole dancing.
One of the traditions that you may still see today is may pole dancing.

Слайд 7You may also see some Morris dancing.

You may also see some Morris dancing.

Слайд 8Morris dancers dress in different bright costumes. They dance to lively

music and shake handkerchiefs and bang sticks together.
Morris dancers dress in different bright costumes. They dance to lively music and shake handkerchiefs and bang

Слайд 9What have you found out about May Day? 1. What is being

celebrated? 2. How do people celebrate? 3. When is May Day?
What have you found out about May Day?  1. What is being celebrated? 2. How do

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