Презентация, доклад по теме Halloween 7 класс

The tradition of pumpkins-lamps went on to create custom Celtic lights to help the souls in purgatory find their way [20]. In Scotland, as a symbol of Halloween performed turnip ,but in North America it quickly

Слайд 1

Слайд 3The tradition of pumpkins-lamps went on to create custom Celtic lights

to help the souls in purgatory find their way [20]. In Scotland, as a symbol of Halloween performed turnip ,but in North America it quickly replaced the pumpkin as a cheaper and affordable vegetable
The tradition of pumpkins-lamps went on to create custom Celtic lights to help the souls in purgatory

Слайд 4Halloween celebrates the return of the souls of the dead who

come back to visit places where they lived
Halloween celebrates the return of the souls of the dead who come back to visit places where

Слайд 5people like to dress up in scary costumes on Halloween

people like to dress up in scary costumes on Halloween

Слайд 6Dressed in costumes - relatively recently arisen holiday item. For the

first time as a full-custom, it was recorded at the beginning of the XX century and dates back to the American tradition of costume parties

For the first time wearing fancy dress on Halloween is registered in 1895 in Scotland , when the children in masks went home and received sweets, cakes, fruit and

Dressed in costumes - relatively recently arisen holiday item. For the first time as a full-custom, it

Слайд 7The tradition of dressing up in costumes and go from house

to house, begging for sweets, there was more to the Middle Ages and was originally associated with Christmas. In England and Ireland, the poor in ancient times went home and begged for so-called "spiritual cakes" All Saints' Day (1 November), promising in return to pray for the souls of the dead relatives of the owners. Although this practice is considered native to British
The tradition of dressing up in costumes and go from house to house, begging for sweets, there

Слайд 8Because the holiday falls on the time of harvest of apples,

most of Hallowe'en candy based on apples. Specially prepared for the triumph of apple caramel apples in syrup (sometimes with the addition of nuts), toffee apple. First, there was a tradition to hand out to children apples candy, but she quickly came to naught because of the urban legend that said that these candies evil people put pins and needles [72]. Although such cases have been reported several times, they never resulted in serious injury
Because the holiday falls on the time of harvest of apples, most of Hallowe'en candy based on

Слайд 9Yet people like Kook scary food on halloween

Yet people like Kook scary food on halloween

Слайд 10Thank you for attention
Author: Dmitry Ostretsov 27/10/2016

Thank you for attentionAuthor: Dmitry Ostretsov 27/10/2016

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