Презентация, доклад по страноведению ученика Вдовыдченко Максима The sights of London

London is the capital of Great BtitainLondon is the capital of England and the UK.London occupies over 620 square miles and has a population of 11 million people.

Слайд 1The sights of London
Maksim Vdovydchenko

The sights of LondonMaksim Vdovydchenko

Слайд 2London is the capital of Great Btitain
London is the capital of

England and the UK.
London occupies over 620 square miles and has a population of 11 million people.

London is the capital of Great BtitainLondon is the capital of England and the UK.London occupies over

Слайд 3The Tower of London
The heart of London is the City. The

City is famous for its oldest part, the Tower of London.

Many years ago it was a fortress, a Royal Palace, a prison and even a Royal Zoo. Now it is a museum.


The Tower of LondonThe heart of London is the City. The City is famous for its oldest

Слайд 4The Tower Bridge
The Tower Bridge is located in the centre of

London ,on the River Thames


The length of Tower Bridge is 244 meters, and the towers are 65 meters high. The construction of this Bridge lasted 8 years.

The Tower BridgeThe Tower Bridge is located in the centre of London ,on the River Thames.The length

Слайд 5Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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