Презентация, доклад по страноведению Nature

Great Britain is situated in the temperature zone of Europe. The nature of Great Britain is greatly affected by the sea: there is no place situated more than 100-120 km from the seashore, in the northern

Разработала: Самойлова Е.А, учитель английского языка
МОУ – Воздвиженская ООШ
Клинский район, Московская

NATUREРазработала: Самойлова Е.А, учитель английского языкаМОУ – Воздвиженская ООШКлинский район, Московская область

Слайд 2Great Britain is situated in the temperature zone of Europe. The

nature of Great Britain is greatly affected by the sea: there is no place situated more than 100-120 km from the seashore, in the northern parts only 40-60 km.
Great Britain is situated in the temperature zone of Europe. The nature of Great Britain is greatly

Слайд 3The territory of Great Britain can be divided into three natural





The territory of Great Britain can be divided into three natural regions:forestshighlandsmeadows

Слайд 4Scotland with highland1 and upland2 relief and coniferous3 and mixed forests;


[‘hailqnd] – нагорье, плоскогорье, высокогорье
upland [‘Aplqnd] - горный
coniferous [kəʊˈnɪfərəs] - хвойный

Scotland with highland1 and upland2 relief and coniferous3 and mixed forests;highland [‘hailqnd] – нагорье, плоскогорье, высокогорьеupland [‘Aplqnd]

Слайд 5Wales and mountainous England with upland considerably cut by ravines 4

and valleys5 and covered with meadows6, moorland7 and cultivated farmland, with patches8 of broadleaf9 forest;

ravine [rəˈviːn] – овраг, ущелье, лощина
valley [ˈvælɪ] – долина, низина, равнина
meadows [ˈmedəʊz] – заливные луга
moorland [muqlqnd] – пустошь, поросшая вереском
patch [pæʧ] – участок
broadleaf [ˈbrɔːdliːf] – широколиственные
Wales and mountainous England with upland considerably cut by ravines 4 and valleys5 and covered with meadows6,

Слайд 6South-east England with plain10 landscape, fertile11 soils12, the predominance13 of cultivated

farmland, with patches of broadleaf forest.

plain [pleɪn] – простой, невзрачный
fertile [ˈfɜːtaɪl] – плодородный
soil [sɔɪl] – почва
predominance [prɪˈdɔmɪnəns] – преобладание, преимущество
South-east England with plain10 landscape, fertile11 soils12, the predominance13 of cultivated farmland, with patches of broadleaf forest.plain


What natural zone is the United Kingdom situated in?
What factor is

the nature of Great Britain affected by? Why?
What natural regions can the territory of Great Britain be divided into?

QUESTIONSWhat natural zone is the United Kingdom situated in?What factor is the nature of Great Britain affected

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