Презентация, доклад по иностранные языку на тему Flowers (6 класс)

The 24th of January SaturdayFlowers

Слайд 1

Theme: “Flowers”

Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі:
Газезова Семейгул Абдыровна

Theme: “Flowers”Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі:Газезова Семейгул Абдыровна

Слайд 2 The 24th of January

The 24th of January          SaturdayFlowers

Слайд 3

Ой ашар:
Let`s begin our lesson

with this rhyme

I like flowers that are bright,
I like flowers that are white.
I like flowers with a nice smell
That blossom in gardens so well

Ой ашар:  Let`s begin our lesson with this rhymeFlowers  I like flowers

Слайд 4New words
flower [ˈflauə ] гүл
tulip [ 'tju:lip] қызғалдақ

['lili  ] лалагүл
chrysanthemum [kri'zænθəməm] бақытгүл
daisy ['deizi  ] дәстүргүл
rose [rəuz ] раушан
dandelion [dændilaiən ] бақбақ
snowdrob [ˈsnәudrɔp ] бәйшешек
pot flower [ pɔt ˈflauə]үй өсімдіктері

New words flower [ˈflauə ] гүл tulip [ 'tju:lip] қызғалдақ lily ['lili  ] лалагүл chrysanthemum [kri'zænθəməm] бақытгүл

Слайд 5

Work with group

Work with group

Слайд 6 
VI. Relaxing time.
To sing a song “Skeleton dance”

 VI. Relaxing time.To sing a song “Skeleton dance”

Слайд 7

Match the pictures
to the names

1 2 Tulip
3 4 5 Dandelion
а pot flower

6 7 8

Match the pictures

Слайд 8Answer to my questions:
1. Do you plant flowers?
2. When do you

usually plant flowers?
3. Where do you usually plant flowers?
4. What`s your favourite flower?
5. Why is it your favourite flower?
6. Do you have a pot flower at home?
7. Do you water it?
8. How often do you water it?
Answer to my questions:1. Do you plant flowers?2. When do you usually plant flowers?3. Where do you

Слайд 9Home task:
open your

diaries and write down your home tasks for the next lesson

T: Today you worked hard. I hope you have much
information about this theme. I’ll give marks
who was very activity. Your mark is ……. Etc.

T: The lesson is over, good bye girls and boys, you are free.
P: Good bye, good bye
Good bye our lesson
Good bye, good bye
Good bye our teacher

Home task:        open your diaries and write down your home

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