Презентация, доклад по английскомй языку на тему CHARLES DICKENS

Charles Dickens, whose name stands first in the list of authors belonging to the “brilliant school” was born in the family of a poor clerk at Portsmouth.In 1821 the Dickens family went to London; things went

Слайд 1 CHARLES DICKENS (1812-1870)

CHARLES DICKENS  (1812-1870)

Слайд 2Charles Dickens, whose name stands first in the list of authors

belonging to the “brilliant school” was born in the family of a poor clerk at Portsmouth.
In 1821 the Dickens family went to London; things went from bad to worse.
Little Charles’ father was put into the Marshalsea prison for debt. It became necessary that the boy, though only ten years old, should earn money, and a job was found for him in a blacking factory. He later described this period of his childhood in “David Copperfield.”

Charles Dickens, whose name stands first in the list of authors belonging to the “brilliant school” was

Слайд 3Quite unexpectedly a relative of the family left Mr. Dickens a

legacy which enabled him to pay his debts and leave the Marshalsea.
Young Charles, to his great joy, was sent to school.

Quite unexpectedly a relative of the family left Mr. Dickens a legacy which enabled him to pay

Слайд 4On leaving school Charles entered the office of a lawyer and

then took up the work of a parliamentary reporter.
This work led naturally to journalism, and journalism to novel writing.
In 1836, when only twenty-four years of age, Charles Dickens published his first book, a collection of sketches and stories, under the title of “Sketches by Boz.”

On leaving school Charles entered the office of a lawyer and then took up the work of

Слайд 5These were followed by “The Pickwick Papers” and “Oliver Twist” (1837—1838).

Then came “Nicholas Nickleby” (1838—1839), and others.
These were followed by “The Pickwick Papers” and “Oliver Twist” (1837—1838).  Then came “Nicholas Nickleby” (1838—1839),

Слайд 6 At the beginning of the forties Dickens made a journey to

the USA after which his faith in the ideals of bourgeois democracy was considerably shaken. For in America Dickens saw how very false and hypocritical were the bourgeois declarations of freedom.
At the beginning of the forties Dickens made a journey to the USA after which

Слайд 7 The results of this journey were “American Notes,” a

series of travel sketches, and the novel “Martin Chuzzlewit”.
The results of this journey were “American Notes,” a series of travel sketches, and the

Слайд 8His novels are now translated into most languages and are highly

valued for their realism, their humour and their just criticism of English life.
His novels are now translated into most languages and are highly valued for their realism, their humour

Слайд 10Dickens’ first novels and his books on America were followed by

many more novels and stories—“The Chimes,” “Dombey and Son,” “David Copperfield,” “Hard Times,” “Little Dorrit”— and other works, until the little boy from the blacking factory became one of the greatest novelists that ever put pen to paper.
Dickens’ first novels and his books on America were followed by many more novels and stories—“The Chimes,”


HOW THEY BOTH DID IT (From “The Pickwick Papers") Mr. Pickwick, an elderly gentleman, is travelling over England with his three friends Mr Snodgrass, Mr. Tupman and Mr. Winkle. Mr. Pickwick is bald, stout and rather short. He is very trustful, good-tem­pered and always cheerful.

Слайд 12Mr. Snodgrass believes himself to be something of a poet;1 Mr.

Tupman has a very tender heart and falls in love easily. Mr. Winkle pretends to be a sportsman, he tries to shoot, skate and ride, though he really knows nothing about it and always comes to grief.2 All four are some of Dickens' best comic characters.
Mr. Snodgrass believes himself to be something of a poet;1 Mr. Tupman has a very tender heart

Слайд 13The Russian revolutionary democrats thought highly of Dickens precisely because he

reflected most of the vital social problems of the day.
The Russian revolutionary democrats thought highly of Dickens precisely because he reflected most of the vital social

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