Презентация, доклад по английскому языкуЛичность Иисуса Христа и духовная жизнь людей(выступление на научно-практической конференции)

The object of the research: Jesus Christ The subject: Jesus personality

Слайд 1Jesus Christ’ personality and people’s spiritual life

Jesus Christ’ personality and people’s spiritual life

Слайд 2The object of the research: Jesus Christ The subject: Jesus personality

The object of the research: Jesus Christ The subject: Jesus personality

Слайд 3The aim
The aim of my work is a detailed reveal of

the identity of Jesus Christ using the Gospel texts

According to the aim I put the following tasks:
To reveal the biography of Christ
Explore his character
Using the facts of his life and traits of his character prove that he couldn’t but sacrifice himself.

The aimThe aim of my work is a detailed reveal of the identity of Jesus Christ using

Слайд 4I decided to conduct a survey.
1. Would you like to

learn more about Jesus Christ?
2. Have you ever tried to read the Bible?
3. Do you hear something about 10 commandments?
4. Are you interested in spiritual development?

I interviewed 60 students of the 10th and 11th forms.
Looking through the results of the survey I’ve come to the conclusion that a lot of teenagers (80%) are interested in personality of Jesus Christ.
55% of students have a desire to learn more about spiritual aspects of life and to improve themselves.

I think this theme will be actual for young people, who are in search for their way in life.

I decided to conduct a survey. SURVEY1. Would you like to learn more about Jesus Christ?2. Have

Слайд 5The problem
We live in a society, which establishes religious pluralism

and freedom of self-determination. But sometimes it is not easy at all to find your own way, especially for teenagers, as there is lots of different information nowadays. Many teenagers do not think about spiritual life at all. They have no ideals and prefer the paths leading to the destruction. That’s why, I think, we have to talk about it more.
The problem We live in a society, which establishes religious pluralism and freedom of self-determination. But sometimes

Слайд 6Jesus Christ’s life
Jesus was born 2 thousand years ago in Bethlehem,

Palestine. His mother was Maria and father Joseph, who was a carpenter.
The fate of a carpenter also waited for Jesus. And he really worked like it, up to his baptism.

The Christ Child, from Sandro Botticelli's

Jesus Christ’s lifeJesus was born 2 thousand years ago in Bethlehem, Palestine. His mother was Maria and

Слайд 7Jesus began his ministry at age 30 when he was baptized

by John the Baptist, who upon seeing Jesus, declared him the Son of God. It was a charismatic and ascetic figure who called people to repentance and baptized those who responded. Jesus was baptised at the River Jordan.

Andrea Verrocchio and Leonardo da Vinci.
Baptism of Christ.
1472 - 1475

Jesus began his ministry at age 30 when he was baptized by John the Baptist, who upon

Слайд 8After the baptism, Jesus selected a group of 12 disciples (future

After the baptism, Jesus selected a group of 12 disciples (future Apostles)

Слайд 9Jesus spent from one to three years teaching and working miracles among his

disciples and before large crowds. His recorded miracles included turning water to wine, walking on water, cursing a fig tree, healing the sick, multiplying a small meal to feed a crowd, casting out demons, and even raising a man from the dead.
Jesus spent from one to three years teaching and working miracles among his disciples and before large crowds. His

Слайд 10The teachings of Jesus focused primarily on the "the kingdom of

God" and were usually relayed through parables drawing on familiar images from agricultural life.

He rebuked the hypocrisy of some Jewish leaders and taught the importance of love and kindness, even to one's enemies.

The teachings of Jesus focused primarily on the

Слайд 11Betrayal & Crucifix
In the Gospels Jesus repeatedly suggests to his disciples

his end is near, but they do not fully understand or accept the idea. The clearest expression of this is at the "Last Supper," which took place on the night before his death.

All four Gospels record Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples, asking them to "do this in remembrance of me."

The Last Supper (Leonardo da Vinci)

Betrayal & CrucifixIn the Gospels Jesus repeatedly suggests to his disciples his end is near, but they

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