Презентация, доклад по английскому языку''Funny rhymes''(4-6 кл.)

A sheep, a horse, a piglet,a bear, a penguin too,a bee, a wasp, a beetle,a cow that says "Moo-moo".A jelly fish, a starfisha walrus and a shark,a guinea-pig, a hamster,a robin and a lark.

Слайд 1Funny rhymes and poems about animals and birds
Dasha Demidova, 4 a

Funny rhymes and poems about animals and birdsDasha Demidova, 4 a

Слайд 2A sheep, a horse, a piglet,
a bear, a penguin too,
a bee,

a wasp, a beetle,
a cow that says "Moo-moo".
A jelly fish, a starfish
a walrus and a shark,
a guinea-pig, a hamster,
a robin and a lark.

A sheep, a horse, a piglet,a bear, a penguin too,a bee, a wasp, a beetle,a cow that

Слайд 3Two deer met one deer and said "Hello, dear!"

Two deer met one deer and said

Слайд 4This is a little green frog The frog has a house in

a log The log's in the deep river Dee As deep as a like or the sea
This is a little green frog The frog has a house in a log The log's in

Слайд 5This is a little grey seal The seal has a house in

port Kiel The house isn't cosy Her life isn't rosy, For there come many boats to port Kiel
This is a little grey seal The seal has a house in port Kiel The house isn't

Слайд 6Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, Where have you been? I've been to London To look a the

Queen Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you do here? I frightened a little mouse under her Chair.
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, Where have you been? I've been to London To look a the Queen Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,

Слайд 7Chook, chook, chook, chook, chook Good morning, Mrs Hen. How many chickens have

you got? Madam, I've got ten. Four of them are yellow, and four of them are brown, And two of them are red The nicest in the town.
Chook, chook, chook, chook, chook Good morning, Mrs Hen. How many chickens have you got? Madam, I've

Слайд 8A pig went to town to buy a stick What? A pig

with a stick? A stick for a pig? Who ever saw a pig with a stick?
A pig went to town to buy a stick What? A pig with a stick? A stick

Слайд 9What is your wish? Hundreds of fish. The fisherman wishes for hundred of

What is your wish? Hundreds of fish. The fisherman wishes for hundred of fishes.

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