Презентация, доклад по английскому языку(5 класс)

A fox is a wild animal. It is a predatory animal.

Слайд 1А fox.

А fox.

Слайд 2A fox is a wild animal. It is a predatory animal.

A fox is a wild animal. It is a predatory animal.

Слайд 3Foxes live in the forest.

Foxes live in the forest.

Слайд 4We can see them at the zoo too.

We can see them at the zoo too.

Слайд 5Foxes look like dogs.

Foxes look like dogs.

Слайд 6They have beautiful red fur

They have beautiful red fur

Слайд 7and a long furry tail.

and a long furry tail.

Слайд 8Foxes have a black nose and yellow eyes.

Foxes have a black nose and yellow eyes.

Слайд 9They have sharp teeth.

They have sharp teeth.

Слайд 11
Foxes are very smart.

Foxes are very smart.

Слайд 12Foxes can run fast,

Foxes can run fast,

Слайд 14and swim very well.

and swim very well.

Слайд 15Fox children are very cute.

Fox children are very cute.

Слайд 16They are funny.

They are funny.

Слайд 17Foxes hunt mice,

Foxes hunt mice,

Слайд 19and birds.

and birds.

Слайд 20Foxes are very afraid of hunters.

Foxes are very afraid of hunters.

Слайд 21A fox is the hero of many Russian fairy tales.

A fox is the hero of many Russian fairy tales.

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