Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Животные 4 класс

People and animals in the country and in the city

Слайд 1Презентация по теме «Животные» 4 класс, УМК «Английский с удовольствием»
Тяпаева И.А.,

с. Александров -Гай
Презентация по теме «Животные» 4 класс,  УМК «Английский с удовольствием»Выполнила: Тяпаева И.А., МБОУ СОШ №2с. Александров

Слайд 2People and animals in the country and in the city

People and animals in the country and in the city

Слайд 3Why are the animals divided into several groups?

Why are the animals divided into several groups?

Слайд 4а fox
Name the animals:

а foxName the animals:

Слайд 5а hen

а hen

Слайд 6аn elephant

аn elephant

Слайд 7a bear

a bear

Слайд 8a lion

a lion

Слайд 9a cockerel

a cockerel

Слайд 11a giraffe

a giraffe

Слайд 12a parrot

a parrot

Слайд 14a monkey

a monkey

Слайд 15a horse

a horse

Слайд 16a sheep

a sheep

Слайд 17a tiger

a tiger

Слайд 20Which animals live on a farm

Which animals live on a farm

Слайд 21Which animals live in the zoo

Which animals live in the zoo

Слайд 22Which animals live in the forest

Which animals live in the forest

Слайд 23 Сomplete the text and guess what animal it is. Ex.33, p. 44

Сomplete the text and guess what animal it is.

Слайд 24an eagle

an eagle

Слайд 25а whale

а whale

Слайд 26a dolphin

a dolphin

Слайд 27mountains


Слайд 32Which animals live in the mountains

Which animals live in the mountains

Слайд 33Which animals live in the desert

Which animals live in the desert

Слайд 34Which animals live in the ocean

Which animals live in the ocean

Слайд 35Which animals live in the sea

Which animals live in the sea

Слайд 36Match Russian and English equivalents:

Match Russian and English equivalents:

Слайд 37Choose the right form
1 The dog is (smart) than the cat.

The dog is smarter than the cat.
2 The monkey is (funny) than the parrot. The monkey is funnier than the parrot.
3 The lion is (strong) than the wolf.
The lion is stronger than the wolf.
4 The elephant is the (big) of all animals.
The elephant is the biggest animal.

Choose the right form1 The dog is (smart) than the cat.   The dog is smarter

Слайд 38 The dolphin is the (beautiful)animal.
The dolphin is the most

beautiful animal.
The dolphin is the (beautiful)animal. The dolphin is the most beautiful animal.

Слайд 39Степени сравнения сложных прилагательных
Beautiful – more beautiful – (the) most beautiful

Степени сравнения сложных прилагательныхBeautiful – more beautiful – (the) most beautiful

Слайд 40Interesting – more interesting – (the) most interesting

Interesting – more interesting –  (the) most interesting

Слайд 41 Your hometask is:
WB. P.27, ex. 10-12

Your hometask is: WB. P.27, ex. 10-12

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