Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Женские праздники в России и англоязычных странах (6 класс)

Mother’s Day in Great Britain On that day sons and daughters visit their mothers and bring them flowers and presents.

Слайд 1 Женские праздники в России и англоязычных странах

Г Балашиха, 2016 г.

Женские праздники в России и англоязычных странахГ Балашиха, 2016 г.

Слайд 2Mother’s Day in Great Britain
On that day sons and daughters

visit their mothers and bring them flowers and presents.
Mother’s Day in Great Britain On that day sons and daughters visit their mothers and bring them

Слайд 3If it is not possible to see a mother one can

send presents and cards to her Flowers and cakes are the traditional gifts for all mothers in England.
If it is not possible to see a mother one can send presents and cards to her

Слайд 4In recent times Mothering Sunday has in Britain taken on the

name and character of the US Mother’s Day.
In recent times Mothering Sunday has in Britain taken on the name and character of the US

Слайд 5Mother’s Day in America
In the United States, there was on Sunday

in Mother’s Day before 1908 in the United States always comes on the second Sunday of May.
Mother’s Day in AmericaIn the United States, there was on Sunday in Mother’s Day before 1908 in

Слайд 6On Mother's Day morning many American children serve their mothers breakfast

in bed while others will give their mothers’ gifts which they have made themselves or bought in stores.
On Mother's Day morning many American children serve their mothers breakfast in bed while others will give

Слайд 7In the afternoon…
The afternoon will be spent doing what the mother

likes doing most, with dinner time being a special time of good food and gift.
In the afternoon…The afternoon will be spent doing what the mother likes doing most, with dinner time

Слайд 88th March in Russia
The International Women’s Day is the most special

day for women in Russia. It is celebrated in the first month of spring on March 8th.
8th March in RussiaThe International Women’s Day is the most special day for women in Russia. It

Слайд 9 In Russia, we congratulate all women, including mothers, grandmothers, aunts,

daughters and sisters.
In Russia, we congratulate all women, including mothers, grandmothers, aunts, daughters and sisters.

Слайд 10This beautiful spring holiday is most often celebrated in Russian families

with a festive meal and champagne. All the men give fresh spring flowers, postcards with poetry, chocolates, and other pleasant gifts to their mothers, wives, grandmothers, sisters and daughters.
This beautiful spring holiday is most often celebrated in Russian families with a festive meal and champagne.

Слайд 11Интернет-ресурсы:
Google pictures
Student Book «Spotlight» 6 class

Интернет-ресурсы: Google pictures Student Book «Spotlight» 6 class

Слайд 12Thank you for watching!

Thank you for watching!

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