Презентация, доклад по английскому языку What's the time?

What`s The Time? What`s the time? – it`s nearly noon –  Dinner time is coming soon. Now it`s two and now it`s three, Now it`s four and time for tea, And

Слайд 1What’s the time?
Учитель английского языка
Морозова Ксения Александровна

What’s the time?Учитель английского языка Морозова Ксения Александровна

Слайд 2 What`s The Time?

What`s the time? – it`s

nearly noon –  Dinner time is coming soon. Now it`s two and now it`s three, Now it`s four and time for tea, And now all is done and said, Nine o`clock and time for bed.

What`s The Time?     What`s the time? – it`s nearly noon –  Dinner

Слайд 3Alarm clock

Alarm clock

Слайд 6Dialogue
-Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please?

-Yes, of

course. It's seven o'clock.
- Thank you.
-No problem.

-What’s the time?
-It’s half past six.
-You’re welcome

Dialogue1. -Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please?-Yes, of course. It's seven o'clock.- Thank you.-No

Слайд 7Tell the time

Tell the time

Слайд 8Proverbs
Time is money. (Время-деньги)

All in good time. (Всему-свое время)

Time is

a good healer. (Время-лучший лекарь)

Proverbs Time is money. (Время-деньги)All in good time. (Всему-свое время)Time is a good healer. (Время-лучший лекарь)

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