Презентация, доклад по английскому языку : Все о Великобритании

Викторина по теме « Лондон ». 4 класс



Слайд 2Викторина по теме « Лондон ». 4 класс

Викторина по теме « Лондон ».  4 класс

Слайд 3 ROUND 1
1. What is the official language in Great Britain?

a) English; b) French; c) Russian; d) Chinese
2. Big Ben was:
a) a clock; b) a horse; c) an animal in the zoo;
d) seven streets;
3. What is the tower of London now?
a) a prison; b) a museum; c) a house; d) a fortress.
4. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is:
a) The Tower of London; b) the White House;
c) the Windsor palace; d) the Buckingham Palace;

ROUND 11. What is the official language in Great Britain? a) English; b) French; c) Russian; d) Chinese2.

Слайд 4 ROUND 2: let’s summarize what we can see in London.

Name these sights.

1.… Park 
2… Square
3… Gallery
4… of London 
5… Cathedral 
6… Bridge 
7… Abbey
8… Palace 
9. The River…
10. The Houses of …

ROUND 2:  let’s summarize what we can see in London. Name these sights.1.… Park 2… Square3…

Слайд 5ROUND 3 Answer the questions:
1. What is London? Is

it the capital of England?
2. How many people do live and work there?
3. Where does the Queen of England live
4. On which river is London situated?
5. How many streets are there in London now?
6. What is Oxford Street?
7. Which park is the largest in London?
8. How many bridges are there over the Thames?

ROUND 3   Answer the questions:1. What is London? Is it the capital of England?2. How

Слайд 6The end

The end

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