Виноградова Елена Германовна учитель английского языка
Ростов-на-Дону 2014
Война и дети в произведениях М.А.Шолохова
Слайд 2
«Но мир узнал о тихом Доне ,когда
«Тихий Дон».
В. Фирсов.
Слайд 3Цель проектной работы –создание презентации для ознакомления учащихся с произведениями М.А.
Слайд 4Задачи:
- познакомить с биографией М. А. Шолохова;
- рекомендовать для прочтения произведения
Шолохова, в которых звучит тема детства;
- познакомить учащихся с иллюстрациями, помещенными в прочитанных произведениях;
- найти в Интернете иллюстрации к произведениям, которые должны прочитать дети;
Слайд 5Гипотеза:
тема войны и детства в произведениях Шолохова –
свидетельство любви и
сострадания писателя,
его гуманного отношения к детям, восхищения , как дети разделяли трудности судьбы наравне со взрослыми.
Слайд 6
Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov
(May 11 (May 24) 1905, Cossack oblast -
21 February 1984) is a Russian Soviet writer, the laureate of the Nobel prize for literature (1965 for the novel «And Quiet flows the Don»). He is considered to be a classic of Russian literature. He was born in Kruzhilinskaya farm, stanitsa Vyoshenskaya in a peasant family. He studied at the theological-parish school, then in high school.
At the age of seventeen he moved to Moscow.
Слайд 7In 1923 the newspaper "Yunosheskaya Pravda" published the first satirical article
«Test" signed by "Sholokhov". The next year first story "the Birthmark“ was published, in 1925, 1926. - collections of stories “The Tales of the Don" and "Azure steppe" . In the end of 1926 began to write the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don“. In 1929 separate editions were published in the second book " And Quiet Flows the Don ". His work on the third book was aborted because he started to work on the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned", which was
published in 1932 and became the event in the literary life of the country.
Слайд 8
The "Quiet flows the Don" M. Sholokhov was awarded the order
of Lenin, in 1941 Stalin prize of the 1st degree.
In 1960 M. Sholokhov was awarded the Lenin prize for the second book of "virgin soil upturned", and in 1965 - the Nobel prize for "the Quiet Don".
Twice Hero of Socialist work, the gentleman of the six Lenin orders, honorary doctor of several European universities Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov was buried in stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, on the steep Bank of the River Don
Слайд 9In the works, addressed to adults, Sholokhov created memorable images of
children in dramatic circumstances when their lives could break, if not the help of adults. Small heroes of preschool or primary school age are portrayed by writer with love and tenderness. Misha Korshunov («Nakhalyonok» ), Fedotka Ushakov («Virgin Soil Upturned» ), Vanyushka («Fate of a man» ) touching its immediacy, children's curiosity, the sorrows and joys
Слайд 10М.А.Sholohov «Nakhalyonok» (1925)
The story about the seven-year boy , who becomes
a participant of the memorable events in the Don Cossack village in the first years of Soviet power.
Слайд 11
. Illustration for the story «Nakhalyonok».
by V.Yudin
Illustration for the story «Nakhalyonok».
Слайд 12Hit it, guys, what to look at?!
Illustration for the story «Nakhalyonok».
Слайд 13I go with you to fight!
Illustration for the story «Nakhalyonok».
by V.Yudin.
Слайд 14Mishka terribly alone in the desert,
hugs hands warm Savraskin s neck,
clinging to him with a small lump.
Illustration for the story «Nakhalyonok».
By V.Yudin
Слайд 15М.A. Sholohov «Virgin Soil Upturned»
The first volume of the novel
published in 1932, the second - in 1959-m Work is devoted to the collectivization of the Don and the movement «25-ton-displacement»
Слайд 16Fefotka. From the novel «Virgin Soil Upturned». For younger school age.
Artist N.Galdaev. - M: Baby, 1984
Слайд 17М.А.Sholohov «The Fate of a man»
The plot of the story is
based on real events. Simple and highly told story writer driver Sokolova, lost during the war the family , survived all the horrors of German captivity, the difficulties of military life and managed to retain much tenderness
and love to people
Слайд 18- Vanyushka, and do you know who I am?
- Who?
I am your father.
Illustration to the story Sholokhov
«The Fate of a man».
Artists Kukryniksy(Kupriyanov M.V.,
Krylov PORFIRY, Sokolov N. A.)
Слайд 19Illustration to the story by Mikhail Sholokhov «The Fate of a
O. G. Verey
Have you ever seen the eyes
sprinkled ashes filled with
this inescapable death of sorrow,
that is difficult to see?
Слайд 20And one time I see near this tea
boy, the other day,
again I see.
Such as a small rugmaffin
. Illustration to the story Sholokhov
«The Fate of a man».
Artists Kukryniksy(Kupriyanov M.V.,
Krylov PORFIRY, Sokolov N. A.
Слайд 21Adults that surround children are different - kind and
cruel. But adults
are tested by their attitude towards children:
their heart, their honesty, their self-sacrifice in a sake of a child.
(Davydov and Fedotka Ushakov - episode «In school», a novel
«Virgin Soil Upturned», the second book; Andrei Sokolov, Vanyushka,
the story «The Fate of a man» )
Слайд 22Monuments literary heroes
works of M.A. Sholokhov
1980. Rostov-on-Don.
Monument «Nakhalyonok and geese».
The sculptor of the monument – B.Mozhayskiy
1982. Rostov-on-Don.
Monument The sculptor of the monument to «Nakhalyonok»- N.V. Mozhaev,
architect V.I. Voloshin,
co-author Э.М. Mozhaev.
Слайд 23Monuments literary heroes
works of M.A. Sholokhov
Monument to the heroes of the
story «The Fate of a man»
Слайд 24 Практический результат проектной работы -
презентацию «Тема войны и
детства в произведениях М. А. Шолохова» можно использовать на уроках английского языка в 4 классах, в УМК «Millie-4» Unit 10 Lesson 4 «Until we meet again» как региональный компонент, чтобы познакомить учащихся с произведениями М.А.Шолохова.
Слайд 25Информационные источники
Шолохов М.А. Донские рассказы. Судьба человека. /
Вступ. Ст. Н.М. Федь. – М.: Издательский Дом Синегерия,
2002. – 432с., ил.
2. Шолохов М.А. Поднятая целина: Роман: В 2кн. –
М.: Издательский Дом Синегерия, 2003. – Кн.2.- 432с.
Шолохов sholohov.dspl.ru›books/pics/book_3/6/6.asp
Верейский Орест Георгиевич Электронный ресурс].
– Режим доступа: http://bse.sci-lib.com/article004158.html
Открытки с репродукциями [Электронный ресурс].
– Режим доступа: otkritka-reprodukzija.blogspot.rи
6. Федотка Либрусек [Электронный ресурс].
– Режим доступа: http://www.smtp.lib.rus.ec/b/347560
7. kidpix: Нахаленок [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
8. Памятники красоте и доброте [Электронный ресурс].
– Режим доступа: