Презентация, доклад по английскому языку в 4 кл. по теме Употребление грамматической конструкции There is...There are.....

There is a lamp, a table and two beds in my room.There are two armchairs in my room.Is there a lamp in your room?Yes, there is.No, there is not. (there isn΄t)Are there

Слайд 1Употребление конструкций

There is………. .

There are……… .
Презентацию для урока в

4 классе
подготовила учитель английского языка
Сутягина Н.Г. (МОУ Ильинская СОШ)
Употребление конструкций There is………. .There are……… . Презентацию для урока в 4 классеподготовила учитель английского языка Сутягина

Слайд 2There is a lamp, a table and two beds in my


There are two armchairs in my room.

Is there a lamp in your room?

Yes, there is.

No, there is not.
(there isn΄t)

Are there two beds in your room?

Yes, there are.

No, there are not.
(there aren΄t)

There is a lamp in my room.

There is a lamp, a table and two beds in my room.There are two armchairs in my

Слайд 3Is there …… in your room?
Yes, there is.
No, there isn΄t
a piano


a bed

a picture

a chair

a table

a bookshelf

a lamp

an armchair

Is there …… in your room?Yes, there is.No, there isn΄ta pianoa TVa beda picturea chaira tablea bookshelfa

Слайд 4 Are there …… in your room?
Yes, there are.
No, there are

(there aren΄t)
Are there …… in your room?Yes, there are.No, there are not.    (there aren΄t)

Слайд 5Are there many books on the bookshelf?
Yes, there are.

Are there many books on the bookshelf?Yes, there are.

Слайд 6Are there two beds in the room?
No, there aren΄t.

Are there two beds in the room?No, there aren΄t.

Слайд 7There is……………………………………………..in the room.
There are………………………………………………. in the room.

There is……………………………………………..in the room.There are……………………………………………….  in the room.

Слайд 8There is a picture, a TV, a sofa, a carpet, a

table in the room.
There is a nice window in the room.
There are two armchairs in the room.
There is a picture, a TV, a sofa, a carpet, a table in the room.There is a

Слайд 9

Let’s describe the room!
Let’s describe the room!

Слайд 10Thank you!

Thank you!

Слайд 111.http://yandex.ru/images/search?p=2&text=картины%20маслом&img_url=http%3A%2F%2Fnargiza.errand.ru%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F64096243_1.jpg&pos=74&uinfo=sw-1366-sh-768-ww-1349-wh-623-pd-1-wp-16x9_1366x768&rpt=simage&_=1408534022090


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