Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Умники и умницы (7класс)

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe capital of Great Britain is London.People – the British

The 9th of December

CLEVER BOYS AND GIRLSThe 9th of December

Слайд 2The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The capital of

Great Britain is London.
People – the British
The United Kingdom of  Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe capital of Great Britain is London.People –

Слайд 3New Zealand
The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.
People –

New Zealanders

New ZealandThe capital of New Zealand is Wellington.People – the New Zealanders

Слайд 4Canada
The capital of Canada is Ottawa
People –
the Canadians

CanadaThe capital of Canada is OttawaPeople – the Canadians

Слайд 5The United States of America
The capital of America is Washington.

the Americans
The United States of AmericaThe capital of America  is Washington.People – the Americans

Слайд 6English is the native language in:

English is the native language in:

Слайд 7 Tower Bridge -

Big Ben- the most famous bridge in London the big clock tower
Tower Bridge -            Big

Слайд 8 Trafalgar Square

Buckingham Palace In the middle of the square This is the Queen’s home. there is Admiral Nelson’s Column.
Trafalgar Square         Buckingham Palace

Слайд 9British symbols The Queen of Great Britain is Elizabeth II. Her husband

is Duke of Edinburgh.

The rose is the national emblem of England.
The national flower of Scotland is the thistle.

The national flower of Wales is the daffodil.
The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock.

British symbols The Queen of Great Britain is Elizabeth II.  Her husband is Duke of Edinburgh.



Слайд 12the United States
of America

the United States of America



Слайд 14Translate
1. Russian is spoken by many millions of people.
2. New Year

is celebrated all over the world.
3. The window was opened by me.
4. The letter was written by my brother.
5. A lot of homework was given to us by our teacher.
6. These apples were bought at the market.
Translate1. Russian is spoken by many millions of people.2. New Year is celebrated all over the world.3.

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