Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Two Points of View

POPULATION of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION REGIONS (end of 2012; thousands)

Слайд 1Two Worlds, Two Points of View…
Regina Zinnatova
Form 10 A
School number 2

Two Worlds, Two Points of View…Regina ZinnatovaForm 10 ASchool number 2

Слайд 2POPULATION of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION REGIONS (end of 2012; thousands)

POPULATION of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION REGIONS  (end of 2012; thousands)



Слайд 4Prevalence of risk factors of NIDS in the Russian Federation, %

contribution of the major risk factors in mortality in the Russian Federation, %

Prevention. Global challenges for Russia

Prevalence of risk factors of NIDS in the Russian Federation, %The contribution of the major risk factors

Слайд 5The relevance of no communicable disease prevention
In the Russian Federation

39.7% of all deaths are among the persons over 60 years old.

The total economic damage from circulatory system diseases is about 1 trillion rubles per year.

The structure of causes of death in the Russian Federation (Rosstat, 2010)

The relevance of no communicable disease prevention In the Russian Federation 39.7% of all deaths are among




DEATH in 2012 (in percentage from the total number of deaths by sex and age)
DEAD IN the WORKING AGE BY SEX AND MAIN CAUSES of DEATH in 2012 (in percentage from

Health care system in Russia today is critical.


care in the US provided the perfect medical equipment, medicines and supplies.
Most of the Nobel prizes in medicine receive representatives of the USA. 18 of 25 the most recent winners were American citizens.

The Americans account for half of all created medical drugs over the past 20 years.

TOPICALITY OF THE RESEARCHHealth care system in Russia today is critical.Health care in the US provided the

Слайд 9Object of research is the Health Care system in Russia, the

USA and Bashkortostan region.

Subjects of research are the state, problems and prospects of development of public health in the USA and in the Russian regions on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Object of research is the Health Care system in Russia, the USA and Bashkortostan region.Subjects of research

Слайд 10The research problem
Unknowing the difference between two Healthcare systems we cannot

find the ways for improving of service and treatment. What is the reason of high mortality and low maintenance in our country: structure, a shortage of physicians and nurses, their inadequate skills, education or attitude to patients?
The research dispels myths about the American Health Care system as the best in the world. It defines that there are pros and cons in both systems.
The research problemUnknowing the difference between two Healthcare systems we cannot find the ways for improving of

Слайд 11The research aim is the analysis of the modern state, the

main problems and prospects for the development of health care system of the Russian Federation.
The research aim is the analysis of the modern state, the main problems and prospects for the

Слайд 12Ministry of Health and Social Services in the USA
Department of human


Department of management and budget

Development of social services

Department of social security

Department of management of health care financing

Department of public relations

Department of the maintenance of the family and children.

Department of legislation

Minister (Secretary)

Chief Surgeon

Deputy Secretary

Ministry of Health and Social Services in the USADepartment of human resourcesDepartment of management and budgetDevelopment of

Слайд 14Health care services differ according to a financing type and functions.

• Service for public health and preventive medicine
• Service of nonemergency assistance outpatient care
• Easy inpatient services
• Complex stationary service
Health care services differ according to a financing type and functions. • Service for public health and

Слайд 15Hospitals in America are divided into three types:
• State hospitals

• Private profit or commercial are up to 30 % of all hospitals. They are typical business enterprise, forming their capital at the individual, group and shareholder basis.
• Private «non-profit» is created on the initiative of religious or ethnic groups or the local population. They account for 70 % of total final of the Fund. The Main difference from the previous
Hospitals in America are divided into three types:  • State hospitals • Private profit or commercial

Слайд 16Ministry of Health and Social Services in Russia
Department of infrastructure development

and state-private partnership

Department of medical education and personnel policy in health care

Department of information technologies and communication

Department of provision of medicines and regulation of the address of medical products

Department of medical care to children and obstetric aid services

Department of the organization of medical care and sanatorium business

Department of health protection, sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the person

Department of the organization of emergency medical care and expert activity




Finance and economics department

Department of scientific design

Department of the international cooperation and public relations

Department of state regulation of the address of medicines

Department of monitoring, analysis and strategic development of health care

Legal Department.

Department of administration and shots

Department of accounting policies and control





Ministry of Health and Social Services in RussiaDepartment of infrastructure development and state-private partnershipDepartment of medical education

Слайд 19Of critical importance are the personal skills and knowledge of the

owner of the diploma. For 2007 WHO registered 63 Russian Medical Institutions preparing therapy and pediatricians.

U.S. law says that graduates with diplomas of any medical institute, registered by WHO can claim medical practice, regardless of whether they graduated from medical school in New York, Paris, St. Petersburg, or Yoshkar-Ola.

Of critical importance are the personal skills and knowledge of the owner of the diploma. For 2007

Слайд 20The way to practice medicine in Russia and the USA

The way to practice medicine in Russia and the USA

Слайд 21Russia has 707 thousand doctors of various specialties.
Number of hospitals at

the end of 2010 was about 93.7 hospital beds per 10 000 population.
Russia has 707 thousand doctors of various specialties.Number of hospitals at the end of 2010 was about

Слайд 22On the 1-st of January, 2014, in Bashkiria, there are 15

819 practitioners, whereas a year ago they numbered 15 379. Today the need of qualified medical personnel is about 2 thousand people of the Republic.
On the 1-st of January, 2014, in Bashkiria, there are 15 819 practitioners, whereas a year ago

Слайд 23Neftekamsk Central Сity Hospital has a branched structure of 6 polyclinics,

4 dispensers, 19 units with 917 beds, which employs more than 2 thousand medical workers.

The availability of medical specialists with higher education is only 54%. The Central City Hospital has shortage of local physicians, an ophthalmologist, neuropathology and nurses.

Neftekamsk Central Сity Hospital has a branched structure of 6 polyclinics, 4 dispensers, 19 units with 917

Слайд 25U.S. Healthcare Costs per Capita 2000–2011

U.S. Healthcare Costs per Capita 2000–2011

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