Презентация, доклад ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ TV and Children (8 KLASS)

The theme of the lesson:’’ TELEVISION AND CHILDREN’’

Слайд 1 Our president N.A.Nazarbayev said:
’’ Every modern person

must know three languages- Kazakh, Russian and English’’.
And he also said:
’’ The future of our country is our young well educated generation’’.
Our president N.A.Nazarbayev said:  ’’ Every modern person must know three languages- Kazakh, Russian

Слайд 3
The theme of the lesson:

The theme of the lesson:’’ TELEVISION AND CHILDREN’’

Слайд 4Exercise III at page 144
Say what you think about the following:


Children and TV is a great problem.
2. Television is not harmful, but if you let
a child watch TV programmes
without choice, he simply becomes a
passive viewer.
Exercise III at page 144Say what you think about the following:1. Children and TV is a great

Слайд 5

TV : is it a
good thing
bad thing?

TV : is it a good thing 			or 		bad thing?

Слайд 6Exercise 3 at page 145
Writing/Answer the questions
Dialogical learning
1. How many hours

a week do you spend watching TV?
2. What sort of programmes do you like watching?
3. Are there any sorts of programmes you like or dislike?
Exercise 3 at page 145Writing/Answer the questionsDialogical learning1. How many hours a week do you spend watching

Слайд 7Home tasks:
To write 10 sentences on the theme
“Television and Children”

Home tasks:To write 10 sentences on the theme “Television and 								Children”

Слайд 8The lesson is over!
Goodbye, children!

The lesson is over!Goodbye, children!

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