Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Традиционные костюмы России и Великой Британии

Traditional costumeshave to protect from environmental conditionsshould look nicehave social functionshow the wearer’s role in societyshow the rank or social statusshow age or marital status

Слайд 1 Traditional Costumes of Russia and Great Britain
Выполнила: Яковенко И.М.
учитель английского языка

СОШ №2
Traditional Costumes  of Russia and Great BritainВыполнила: Яковенко И.М.учитель английского языкаМАОУ СОШ №2 г.Калининграда

Слайд 2Traditional costumes
have to protect from environmental conditions
should look nice
have social function

the wearer’s role in society
show the rank or social status
show age or marital status
Traditional costumeshave to protect from environmental conditionsshould look nicehave social functionshow the wearer’s role in societyshow the

Слайд 3Word List
Apron Petticoat

Bast shoes
Bell Pin Boots
Check Ribbon Poneva
Cloak Shawl Dressing
Embroidery Tartan Crown
Felt Trews Kokoshnik
Kilt Tunic Valenki
Pad Gown Trousers
Long sleeved dress Sundress
Word ListApron     Petticoat      Bast shoesBell

Слайд 4Russian traditional costume

Russian traditional costume

Слайд 5Male Russian traditional costume

Male Russian traditional costume

Слайд 6Footwear
Bast shoes


Footwear Bast shoes Boots Valenki

Слайд 7Female Russian traditional costume

Female Russian traditional costume

Слайд 8Poneva (понёва)
Sundress (сарафан)

Poneva (понёва)Sundress (сарафан)

Слайд 9Hats (головные уборы)
Kokoshnik (кокошник)
Crown (венец)
Dressing (повязка)

Hats (головные уборы)Kokoshnik (кокошник)Crown (венец)Dressing (повязка)

Слайд 10Footwear (обувь)
Shoes (туфли)

Boots (сапоги)

Footwear (обувь)Shoes (туфли)Boots (сапоги)

Слайд 11Apron (передник)

Apron (передник)

Слайд 12Traditional costumes of the parts of Great Britain

Traditional costumes of the parts of Great Britain

Слайд 13Traditional costume of England

Traditional costume of England

Слайд 14Traditional costumes of Scotland

Traditional costumes of Scotland

Слайд 15Traditional costume of Ireland

Traditional costume of Ireland

Слайд 16Traditional costume of Wales (национальный костюм Уэльса)

Traditional costume of Wales (национальный костюм Уэльса)

Слайд 17Comparison (сравнение)


Comparison (сравнение)EnglishScottishWelshIrishRussian

Слайд 19Traditional costume is

the most precious monument of folk art and

social history

the richest resources for studying ethnicity and its links with nationality

Traditional costume is the most precious monument of folk art and social historythe richest resources for studying

Слайд 20 Answer the questions about traditional costumes in Russia.


material is traditional costume made of?
What does it consist of?
Where and when do people wear it nowadays?

Answer the questions about traditional  costumes in Russia. What material is traditional costume made of?What

Слайд 21 Which costume…
has got ancient

patterns on it?
has a different design for each family?
is made of wool?
has got bells on it?
is famous for its special hat?

Which costume…has got ancient patterns on it?has a different design

Слайд 22Choose a costume and describe it to your partner:
English costume
Welsh costume

Scottish costume
Russian costume
Choose a costume and describe it to your partner:English costumeWelsh costumeIrish costumeScottish costumeRussian costume

Слайд 23Literature

Английский язык. 8 класс : учебн. для общеобразоват. учреждений/[Ю.Е.Ваулина. В.Эванс, Дж.Дули,

О.Е.Подоляко].-2-е изд., доп. И перераб.-М : Express Publishing: Просвещение,2010.-216 с. : ил.-(Английский в фокусе).

Соснина Н., Шангина И. Русский традиционный костюм.- СПб.: Искусство,2010.-400 с.

LiteratureАнглийский язык. 8 класс : учебн. для общеобразоват. учреждений/[Ю.Е.Ваулина. В.Эванс, Дж.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко].-2-е изд., доп. И перераб.-М :

Слайд 24Thank you for attention

Thank you for attention

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