Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Структура волос

Strand Each strand consists of three layers: cuticle, cortex and medulla. The medulla is a honeycomb keratin structure with air spaces inside.The cortex gives flexibility and tensile (stretching) strength to hair and contains melanin granules, which

Слайд 1Hair structure and hair growth
My future profession is a hairstylist

Hair structure and hair growthMy future profession is a hairstylist

Слайд 2Strand
Each strand consists of three layers: cuticle, cortex and

The medulla is a honeycomb keratin structure with air spaces inside.
The cortex gives flexibility and tensile (stretching) strength to hair and contains melanin granules, which give hair its color. The cortex is made from tiny fibers of keratin running parallel to each other along the length of the hair shaft.
The cuticle is made from 6 to 11 layers of overlapping semi-transparent keratin scales (which make the hair waterproof and allow it to be stretched). Someone with thick, course hair will have more overlapping layers of cuticles than someone with fine hair.
Strand Each strand consists of three layers: cuticle, cortex and medulla. The medulla is a honeycomb keratin

Слайд 4The hair follicle phases.
The hair growth cycle starts with

the catagen phase which lasts for several weeks. It’s followed by the telogen phase (lasts for several months) which gradually turns into the early anagen phase. The anagen phase lasts for 4-5 years. This phase becomes shorter with age. Normally 80-90% of hairs are in the anagen phase, 1-2% are in the catagen and 10-15% are in the telogen phase. Hair loss is observed for account of the hairs, which are in the telogen phase.

The hair follicle phases.  The hair growth cycle starts with the catagen phase which lasts for

Слайд 6Hair structure

Hair structure

Слайд 7Использованные источники
1. http://eng.armenpharm.am/hair-structure-and-growth/
2. http://www.top-hair-loss-remedy.com/hair-structure.html

Использованные источники1. http://eng.armenpharm.am/hair-structure-and-growth/2. http://www.top-hair-loss-remedy.com/hair-structure.html

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