Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Страна через океан (6 класс)

Spell and write these words

Слайд 1Monday
The 19th of February

Monday The 19th of February

Слайд 2Spell and write these words

Spell and write these words

Слайд 3What city is it?

What city is it?

Слайд 4

p.29 ex.1
New York city

p.29 ex.1New York city

Слайд 5a river bank
a sea shore

a river banka sea shoreCompare

Слайд 6Do ex. 4, p. 31

Do ex. 4, p. 31

Слайд 7The country across the ocean

The country across the ocean

Слайд 8Homework
p. 33, ex. 8, 10; find some interesting facts about the

Homework p. 33, ex. 8, 10; find some interesting facts about the USa

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