Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Степени сравнения прилагательных (4 класс)

Degrees of comparison

Слайд 1

Слайд 3Degrees of comparison

Degrees of comparison

Слайд 9Form the degrees of comparison
Small, young, thin, thick, tall, new, easy,

Form the degrees of comparisonSmall, young, thin, thick, tall, new, easy, busy

Слайд 10small – smaller – the smallest
young – younger – the youngest

– thinner – the thinnest
thick – thicker – the thickest
tall – taller –the tallest
new – newer – the newest
easy – easier – the easiest
busy – busier – the busiest

small – smaller – the smallestyoung – younger – the youngestthin – thinner – the thinnestthick –

Слайд 12What did we do?
What do you like most of all?
What emotions

do you have?
Who can form the degrees of comparison?
Какие вы себе поставили оценки за первое задание и за второе?
What did we do?What do you like most of all?What emotions do you have?Who can form the

Слайд 13Home work:
Выучить правило – степени сравнения прилагательных

Home work:Выучить правило – степени сравнения прилагательных

Слайд 14Good Bye!!!

Good Bye!!!

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