Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Степени сравнения односложных прилагательных (4 класс)

There are three boxes in the picture. The red box is smaller than the yellow box. The blue box is the smallest (of all the boxes).

Слайд 1Сравнение предметов и людей.
выше , ниже
больше , меньше , самый

самый большой
Сравнение предметов и людей.выше ,  нижебольше , меньше , самый маленький,самый большой

Слайд 2There are three boxes in the picture. The red box is smaller

than the yellow box. The blue box is the smallest (of all the boxes).
There are three boxes in the picture. The red box is smaller than the yellow box. The

Слайд 3You can see Mike, Nick and Peter. Nick is younger than

Mike. Peter is the youngest .

Mike Nick Peter

You can see Mike, Nick and Peter.  Nick is younger than Mike.  Peter is the

Слайд 4Spelling - правописание
small smaller (the

) smallest
cold colder (the ) coldest
happy happier ( the ) happiest
tasty tastier (the ) tastiest
big bigger (the) biggest
hot hotter (the) hottest
nice nicer (the) nicest
than- чем
Spelling - правописаниеsmall     smaller   (the ) smallestcold

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