Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Слоны

Elephants are one of the oldest and most intelligent animals on the planet.

Слайд 1E l E P H A N T

Учитель английского языка

Петросян Нарине Александровна

E l E P H A N T ВЫПОЛНИЛАУчитель английского языка Петросян Нарине Александровна

Слайд 2Elephants are one of the oldest and most intelligent animals on

the planet.
Elephants are one of the oldest and most intelligent animals on the planet.

Слайд 3Elephants weight is from 2 to 7 tons.

Elephants weight is from 2 to 7 tons.

Слайд 4Elephants are intelligent and kind animals.

Elephants are intelligent and kind animals.

Слайд 5There are two species of elephants, African and Asian. From their

names and follow their habitat: they found almost all over Africa, as well live in India, Thailand, Laos, China.
There are two species of elephants, African and Asian. From their names and follow their habitat: they

Слайд 6Daily adult animal consumes about 250 kilograms of food and 100-150

liters of fluid.
Daily adult animal consumes about 250 kilograms of food and 100-150 liters of fluid.

Слайд 7The average life expectancy of elephants is about 60 years.

The average life expectancy of elephants is about 60 years.




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