Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Школьные дни

Слайд 1Now I know… Spotlight 5 Module 1
Составила: учитель английского языка
МАОУ Лицей

г. Бор Лопаткина Анастасия Николаевна
Now I know… Spotlight 5 Module 1Составила: учитель английского языка МАОУ Лицей г. Бор Лопаткина Анастасия Николаевна

Слайд 2Complete the words

Complete the words

Слайд 3Match the words:
Information a. form

Physical b. Education
School c. Technology
Pencil d. subjects
Subject choice e. case
Lunch f. break

Match the words:Information     a. form    Physical

Слайд 4Let’s check up:
Information Technology
Physical Education
School subjects
pencil case
Subject choice form
lunch break

Let’s check up:Information Technology Physical EducationSchool subjectspencil caseSubject choice formlunch break

Слайд 5Complete with a/an
… pencil sharpener
… atlas
… school
…pencil case
… object
… ruler
… eraser

Complete with a/an… pencil sharpener… atlas… school…pencil case… object… ruler… eraser

Слайд 6Let’s check up:
a pencil sharpener
an atlas
a school
a pencil case
an object
a ruler


Let’s check up:a pencil sharpeneran atlasa schoola pencil casean objecta ruleran eraser

Слайд 7Let’s have a rest:

Let’s have a rest:

Слайд 8Reading:
True or False
1. English education have the sixth form college.

Lessons in primary school usually begin at nine.
3. English children sometimes have lessons on Saturday.
4. Schools in England have numbers.
5. At the age of 10 children go to Junior school.

Reading:True or False1. English education have the sixth form college. 2. Lessons in primary school usually begin

Слайд 9The Music lesson is in Room B on mondays.
They are from

my name is jane and i’m twelve years old.
Mr. green is my favourite teacher.

Capital letters

The Music lesson is in Room B on mondays.They are from london.my name is jane and i’m

Слайд 10Let’s check up:
The Music lesson is in Room B on Mondays.

are from London.
My name is Jane and I’m twelve years old.
Mr. Green is my favourite teacher.
Let’s check up:The Music lesson is in Room B on Mondays.They are from London.My name is Jane

Слайд 11Английский язык и история
Линейка и карандаш
Урок математики в кабинете № 16

новенький в школе.
Где проводится урок английского языка?
Что лежит на парте?
Она в средней школе.

Let’s translate:

Английский язык и историяЛинейка и карандашУрок математики в кабинете № 16Он новенький в школе.Где проводится урок английского

Слайд 12… you eleven years old? Yes, … …
… it a ruler?

No, … …
… you and Mary in the same class?
Yes, …
4. … they friends? Yes, … …

Complete the questions and answers:

… you eleven years old? Yes, … …… it a ruler? No, … …… you and Mary

Слайд 13Are you eleven years old? Yes, I am.
Is it a ruler?

No, it isn’t.
Are you and Mary in the same class?
Yes, we are.
4. Are they friends? Yes, they are.

Complete the questions and answers:

Are you eleven years old? Yes, I am.Is it a ruler? No, it isn’t.Are you and Mary

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