Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Санкт-Петербург

Fairy-tale city, dream citySt. Petersburg is an ancient and very beautiful city of our country of Russia. It is the second largest after Moscow, it is the most important center of tourism, economy, medicine, science, culture

Слайд 1Тhe city in which I want to live is St. Petersburg

Тhe city in which I want to live is St. Petersburg

Слайд 2Fairy-tale city, dream city
St. Petersburg is an ancient and very beautiful

city of our country of Russia. It is the second largest after Moscow, it is the most important center of tourism, economy, medicine, science, culture of our state. This city has a very rich historical heritage for all mankind of our planet.
Fairy-tale city, dream citySt. Petersburg is an ancient and very beautiful city of our country of Russia.

Слайд 3Winter Palace

Winter Palace

Слайд 4Hermitage


Слайд 7The city stands on the river Neva, which flows into the

Baltic Sea.
The city stands on the river Neva, which flows into the Baltic Sea.

Слайд 10What kind of qualities are not attributed to the Petersburgers! Here

and old-fashioned intelligence, and hypertrophied politeness, and refinement of thoughts, and mysteriousness, and unpredictability, and vague longing in the eye, and the revolutionary spirit ...
What kind of qualities are not attributed to the Petersburgers! Here and old-fashioned intelligence, and hypertrophied politeness,

Слайд 11Romance in Petersburg

Romance in Petersburg

Слайд 12Thanks for attention

Thanks for attention

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