Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Rules and Regulations 6 класс

Translate the following words and word combinations. Шуметь – _________________________Содержать животных – ____________________________Получить разрешение на приглашение гостей – _______________________________________________Босиком – _____________________Выносить еду – ___________________________Ездить на велосипеде внимательно – __________________________________Регистрировать посетителей – ________________________________Время экзаменов

Слайд 1

Слайд 2 Translate the following words and word combinations.
Шуметь – _________________________
Содержать животных –

Получить разрешение на приглашение гостей – _______________________________________________
Босиком – _____________________
Выносить еду – ___________________________
Ездить на велосипеде внимательно – __________________________________
Регистрировать посетителей – ________________________________
Время экзаменов – ________________________

Translate the following words and word combinations. Шуметь – _________________________Содержать животных – ____________________________Получить разрешение

Слайд 3Read the rules of one of Moscow schools. Use must, mustn’t

can, can’t.

Students __________ wear a school uniform every day, but on Friday they ________ be dressed as they wish.
Students __________ be late for the lesson.
Students __________ ask for help and have extra-classes.
Students __________ talk at the lesson.
Students __________ ask a question only with their hand raised.

Read the rules of one of Moscow schools. Use must, mustn’t can, can’t. Students __________ wear a

Слайд 4Match activities and the places where you can do them.

Match activities and the places where you can do them.

Слайд 5Complete the sentences and use a comparative form.
This coffee is very

weak. I like it a bit ______________.
The room in the hotel was really big. I expected it to be _______________.
The weather is too hot in this city. I’d like to live somewhere _______________.
Your work isn’t very good. I know you can do ________________.
My home task is a bit boring sometimes. I’d like to do something _________________.

Complete the sentences and use a comparative form. This coffee is very weak. I like it a

Слайд 6Complete the sentences and use a superlative form.
This is ____________ coffee

I have ever tried! (strong)
It is the _______ church in my city. (old)
She is one of ______________ tennis players in the world. (good)
Everest is ______________ mountain. (high)
Russia is _______________ country in the world. (big)

Complete the sentences and use a superlative form. This is ____________ coffee I have ever tried! (strong)It

Слайд 7  Say what a student mustn’t do.
Be late for classes
Do the

home work on time
Talk at the lesson
Miss classes
Be ready to answer the questions
Interrupt the teacher

  Say what a student mustn’t do. Be late for classesDo the home work on timeTalk at

Слайд 81. Read the dialogue between Mr. Cox and Daniel at p.

80, SB and agree or disagree with the statements.

Daniel thinks the room is awful.
Daniel mustn’t make noise.
Daniel doesn’t have to keep the room tidy – there is a maid who does it.
Daniel can’t invite his friends to his room.
He can have snacks and soft drinks in his room.

1. Read the dialogue between Mr. Cox and Daniel at p. 80, SB and agree or disagree

Слайд 9 Use have to/don’t have to/needn’t
He _______ keep the room tidy.

________ buy tomatoes, we have lots of them.
The car park is free here, so you _______________ pay for it.
You _________ speak louder, I can hear quite well.
We have got plenty of time, so we _________ hurry.
They ______________ wear a school uniform on Fridays, but they usually do.

Use have to/don’t have to/needn’tHe _______ keep the room tidy.You ________ buy tomatoes, we have lots

Слайд 10Read about Ostankino Tower and make an outline of the text:тWhen:

Who: Height:What:

The total height of the Ostankino Tower (designed by Nikolai Nikitin) is 540 meters. Construction began in 1963 and was completed in 1967. It is the highest freestanding building in Europe and Asia. At one time, the Ostankino TV Tower was the highest construction in the world. This grandiose construction has 45 levels, tens of ring decks and balconies It has also got a restaurant called “The seventh sky” with a glass revolving floor. The restaurant opens a fantastic view over Moscow.

Read about Ostankino Tower and make an outline of the text:тWhen: Who: Height:What: The total height of

Слайд 11Translate the sentences into Russian.
I’d like to book some theatre tickets,

How would you like to pay?
Which play would you like to see?
Can I pay by credit card?
Give me the number and the expiry date.
Enjoy the show!

Translate the sentences into Russian.I’d like to book some theatre tickets, please!How would you like to pay?Which

Слайд 12Group the words according to the sound [au] or [əu]: Cow, bone,

road, round, row, coal, house, toast, how, low
Group the words according to the sound [au] or [əu]: Cow, bone, road, round, row, coal, house,

Слайд 13Read out the sentences as fast and correct as you can.

Now, now! – Ну, ну! Успокойся!
It’s bound to be found out. – Это непременно обнаружится.
Out of the house to the grounds! – Ну-ка, все на свежий воздух!
It’s a cold coal to blow at. – Это безнадежное дело.
Go slow. – Не спеши. (Будь осмотрительным.)

Read out the sentences as fast and correct as you can. Now, now! – Ну, ну! Успокойся!

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