Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Речевое упражнение о летних каникулах.

1. Where can people go during summer holidays?You may use the phrases:to the countryto the seasideto another cityabroad

Слайд 1Summer Holidays

Summer Holidays

Слайд 21. Where can people go during summer holidays?
You may use the phrases:

the country
to the seaside
to another city
1.	Where can people go during summer holidays?You may use the phrases:to the countryto the seasideto another cityabroad

Слайд 32. Why do people go abroad?
You may use the phrases:

to go sightseeing

improve English
to make/see friends
2.	Why do people go abroad?You may use the phrases:to go sightseeingto improve Englishto make/see friends

Слайд 43. What do they do in the country?
You may use the phrases:

swim in the river
to help parents in the garden
to go to the forest
to lie in the sun
3.	What do they do in the country?You may use the phrases:to swim in the riverto help parents

Слайд 54. What is the advantage in staying at home in summer?
You may

use the phrases:
to go for a walk
to stay in bed long
to meet friends
to go to the cinema
4.	What is the advantage in staying at home in summer?You may use the phrases:cheapto go for a

Слайд 65. Where do you like to spend your summer holidays best?
You may

use the phrases:
in the country
at home
in another city
5.	Where do you like to spend your summer holidays best?You may use the phrases:in the countryat homein

Слайд 76. When did your holidays start?
You may use the phrases:
in June
in July

6.	When did your holidays start?You may use the phrases:in Junein Julyin August

Слайд 87. What did you do in June?
You may use the phrases:
to pass

to read books
to go camping
to visit relatives
7.	What did you do in June?You may use the phrases:to pass examsto read booksto go campingto visit

Слайд 98. How did you spend July?
You may use the phrases:
to go to

the seaside
to go camping
to meet friends
to take a trip to Moscow
to go to the country-house

8.	How did you spend July?You may use the phrases:to go to the seasideto go campingto meet friendsto

Слайд 109. What was the weather like?
You may use the phrases:

9.	What was the weather like?You may use the phrases:finecoolrainypleasantbad

Слайд 1110. What was the most interesting event in July?
You may use the

my/my friend’s birthday
my advancing to the next class
the movie came out

10.	What was the most interesting event in July?You may use the phrases:my/my friend’s birthdaymy advancing to the

Слайд 1211. Did you go anywhere in August?
You may use the phrases:

stay at home
to go to the seaside
to go camping
to go abroad

11.	Did you go anywhere in August? You may use the phrases:to stay at hometo go to the

Слайд 1312. What did you do?
You may use the phrases:
to lie in the

to go sightseeing
to go shopping
to swim in the sea
12.	What did you do?You may use the phrases:to lie in the sunto go sightseeingto go shoppingto swim

Слайд 1412. What books did you read in summer?
You may use the phrases:


the list
by my favourite writer

12.	What books did you read in summer?You may use the phrases:on the listby my favourite writer

Слайд 1513. What was the most exciting day in summer?
You may use the

to get good exam results
to meet the grandparents
to catch the biggest fish
13.	What was the most exciting day in summer?You may use the phrases:to get good exam resultsto meet

Слайд 1614. Did you enjoy your summer holidays? Why?
You may use the phrases:

have a good (bad) rest
the dream came true
the weather was very bad

14.	Did you enjoy your summer holidays? Why?You may use the phrases:to have a good (bad) restthe dream

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