Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Разные типы образования (к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой Enjoy English-11)

responsible motivated well-educated negotiation skills well-organized knowleadgable computer literate competitive able to solve problems able to do research able to work in a team initiative able to work to tight deadlines able to make decisions . . .What qualities are the most

Слайд 1School-leaver → student → …

School-leaver → student → …

Слайд 2responsible motivated well-educated negotiation skills well-organized knowleadgable computer literate competitive able to solve problems able to do research able to

work in a team initiative able to work to tight deadlines able to make decisions . . .

What qualities are the most important for your future career?

Choose 5 qualities

responsible			motivated well-educated			negotiation skills well-organized			knowleadgable computer literate		competitive able to solve problems	able to do research able to work in

Слайд 3responsible motivated well-educated negotiation skills well-organized knowleadgable computer literate competitive able to solve problems able to do research able to

work in a team initiative able to work to tight deadlines able to make decisions . . .

What would you improve to be a good professional?

Choose 5 qualities

responsible			motivated well-educated			negotiation skills well-organized			knowleadgable computer literate		competitive able to solve problems	able to do research able to work in

Слайд 4Make the sentences with these words. 1. I would be successful if

I… 2. Ii f I were well-organised I would… 3. If I developed… I… 4. I would be able to cope with stress if I… 5. If I were self-confident… I…

IF I V2 . . . I would/ could V

Make the sentences with these words.  1. I would be successful if I… 2. Ii f

Слайд 5 The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who

cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.

What is modern education?

Alvin Toffler (1928-2016)

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those

Слайд 6Different models of learning

Different models of learning

Слайд 7Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages

Слайд 8Follow the steps

Follow the steps

Слайд 9We should do

We should do

Слайд 10Which model of education can help you
to be…?
to develop…?
to become…?


Take a list of your qualities

Which model of education can help you to be…?to develop…?to become…?to realize…?to…?Take a list of your qualities

Слайд 111. What do you like most? 2. What was the most difficult

for you? 3.If you had a chance to choose the model of your education what would you prefer? Why?

Ask the questions

1. What do you like most? 2. What was the most difficult for you? 3.If you had

Слайд 12Your home task

Your home task

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