Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Present Simple vs Present Continuous

FORMATION Present Simple+ S + V/VsI usually go away at weekends.He reads a lot.- S + do/does + not + VI don’t go away at weekends.He doesn’t read a lot.? do/does + S + VDo you

Слайд 1Let’s revise! Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Let’s revise! Present Simple vs Present Continuous FormationUsagemarkers

Present Simple
+ S + V/Vs
I usually go away at weekends.

reads a lot.
- S + do/does + not + V
I don’t go away at weekends.
He doesn’t read a lot.
? do/does + S + V
Do you go away at weekends?
Does he read a lot?

Present Continuous

+ S + am/is/are + Ving
We are walking now.
He is reading now.
- S + am/is/are + not + Ving
We’re not walking now.
He isn’t reading now.
? am/is/are + S + Ving
Are you walking now?
Is he reading now?

FORMATION Present Simple+ S + V/VsI usually go away at weekends.He reads a lot.- S + do/does

Слайд 3USAGE
Present Simple
1. Use the simple for things in general or things

that happen repeatedly.
It snows in winter.
I go to school 5 days a week.
2. For a permanent situation.
My parents live in London.
3. For timetables or programmes.
The train leaves at 10 o’clock.

Present Continuous

1. Use the continuous for sth that is happening at or around the time of speaking; the action is not finished.
It’s raining now, take an umbrella.
I’m going to school now.
2. For a temporary situation.
I’m living with some friends until I find a flat.
3. For fixed arrangements in the near future
I’m flying to London tomorrow.
4. In emotionally coloured sentences to express annoyance or criticism
He’s always telling lies!

USAGEPresent Simple1. Use the simple for things in general or things that happen repeatedly.It snows in winter.I

Present Simple
Every day/week/month/year
Present Continuous
At the moment
At present
Look! / Listen!

MARKERSPresent SimpleUsuallyAlwaysNeverOftenSometimesEvery day/week/month/yearPresent ContinuousNowAt the momentAt presentAlways TonightLook! / Listen!

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