Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Практические грамматические задания Past Simple, Past Perfect ,Past Continuouss

1.My friend ( to like) pies. He ( to eat) pies every day. When I ( to meet) him in the street yesterday, he ( to eat) a pie. He ( to tell) me that he

Слайд 1Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect ,Past Continuos ,Future Simple, Present

Perfect, Present Continuous
Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect ,Past Continuos ,Future Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous

Слайд 21.My friend ( to like) pies. He ( to eat) pies

every day. When I ( to meet) him in the street yesterday, he ( to eat) a pie. He ( to tell) me that he ( to buy) that pie at the corner of the street. Look at my friend now. He ( to eat) a cake again.
2.She is very happy. Her son( to finish) school.3.My brother ( to train) at the stadium from six till 8 yesterday.

1.My friend ( to like) pies. He ( to eat) pies every day. When I ( to

Слайд 34.I never ( to be) to the Bahamas.
5.Look. Kate ( to

wash) the dishes.
6.I ( not to receive) an answer to my letter.
7.Only when she was going to bed, she remembered that she ( to forget) to ring up her friend.
4.I never ( to be) to the Bahamas.5.Look. Kate ( to wash) the dishes.6.I ( not to

Слайд 48.Mike ( to eat) ice- cream every day Look he (

to eat) ice- cream now. When I ( to see)_ him in the morning yesterday, he ( to eat) ice- cream too. He ( to say) he ( to eat) one ice- cream already by that time. I think he ( to fall) ill if he ( to eat) so much ice- cream.
8.Mike ( to eat) ice- cream every day Look he ( to eat) ice- cream now. When

Слайд 59.When I ( to come) to the station yesterday, I (

to learn) that my train already ( to leave)
10.Let’s go for a walk. The rain ( to stop) already, and the sun ( to shine) brightly.
11.When I ( to come) home yesterday, my brother already ( to sleep)
9.When I ( to come) to the station yesterday, I ( to learn) that my train already

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