Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Подготовка к устной части ОГЭ/ЕГЭ (часть 2)


Задание 4 (ЕГЭ)Сравни две фотографии

Слайд 1 Подготовка к устной части ГИА

Подготовка к    	устной части ГИА

Слайд 4
Задание 4 (ЕГЭ)
Сравни две фотографии

Задание 4 (ЕГЭ)Сравни две фотографии

Слайд 5Now I am going to compare and contrast [kən´traːst] these two


To start with I should admit that holidays are an integral[in´teɡrəl] part of our life no matter where we live. And these two photos are the evidence of what I have said.

Both pictures show people celebrating Christmas.

The first photo depicts a company of six young people who are enjoying a holiday season on a sandy beach. They are wearing swimming suits, sunglasses and Santa’s hats. I’m not sure but it seems to me that it is a team of life-guards. In the background of the picture you can see a decorated Christmas tree, a large inflatable snowman and Santa Claus.

As for the second picture it shows a young man and a young woman singing carols in the street which is beautifully decorated with lights. The weather is snowy and I suppose it’s pretty cold outside because they are wearing warm clothes, gloves and scarves. Even their dog has got a warm jacket and a scarf and that makes me think (I’ve got a feeling) that these people are very caring and love their pet very much.

As I have mentioned before the main similarity (the most obvious similarity) between these pictures is a festive atmosphere of Christmas. Also I get the impression that people in picture 1 and picture 2 are of the same age and look very joyful. Moreover, both pictures were taken outdoors (out-of-doors / in the open air).

Comparing these two pictures, I’d like to stress out that the most apparent (striking) difference between them is the season of the year. In the first photo the event might be taking place somewhere in Australia because Christmas Day usually falls in the middle of the summer in this country. In contrast, in the second picture you can see people in winter. I can only guess that they are probably British. Besides, picture No 1 was taken during the daytime, while picture No 2 was taken at night.

All in all, I may say that I’d prefer to celebrate Christmas in Australia, because it is extremely unusual (awesome / thrilling / killing / dramatic) to celebrate totally winter holiday in summer.

That’s where I’d like to end. (I’ve come to the end of my speaking.)

Thank you for listening.

Now I am going to compare and contrast [kən´traːst] these two photos.To start with I should admit

Слайд 6There are two pictures there and now I am going to

compare and contrast [kən´traːst] these two photos.
// Let me tell you about these two pictures. I am going to compare and contrast them.

In the first picture we can see a smiling boy riding a horse in the … . Also, there are a lot of … in the background.
In the second photo there are a crying girl and her mother. Maybe, the girl is doing her h/m and her mother is nagging her.

There are two pictures there and now I am going to compare and contrast [kən´traːst] these two

Слайд 72. These pictures have a lot in common.

Firstly, both pictures

show … .

Secondly, in both photos there are/we can see … .

But the most obvious similarity is … .
2. These pictures have a lot in common. Firstly, both pictures show … .Secondly, in both photos

Слайд 83. However, these photos have some differences too.

The most striking difference

is that … .

Besides, in the first picture … , whereas in the second picture … .

Finally, …
3. However, these photos have some differences too.The most striking difference is that … .Besides, in the

Слайд 94, 5. As for me, I’d prefer//I like … because it

is …/I’m keen on … .
In my opinion, … .

In conclusion, I hope I’ve managed to compare and contrast these two photographs.

//I’ve come to the end of my talk. Thank you for listening.

//That is all I wanted to say.

4, 5. As for me, I’d prefer//I like … because it is …/I’m keen on … .

Слайд 11 http://cktrm.ru/ege_or/


Слайд 24http://language360.ru/catalog/item/9785990732926_730/


Слайд 25Бесплатные тренажёры:


Бесплатные тренажёры:http://injaz.ege.edu.ruhttp://www.english-study-cafe.ru/index.php/135-ekzameny-uchashchimsya-ege/868-ustnaya-chast-ege-trenazher-5http://4ege.ru/gia-po-inostrannym-jazykam/54460-onlayn-trenazher-ustnoy-chasti-oge-po-inostrannym-yazykam.html http://www.zavuch.ru/methodlib/228/150838/ https://multiurok.ru/files/priezientatsiia-trienazhior-dlia-podghotovki-k-ustnoi-chasti-iege-po-inostrannomu-iazyku.htmlhttp://www.zavuch.ru/methodlib/226/141312/ https://pedsovet.org/publikatsii/angliyskiy-yazyk/prezentatsiya-trenajer-dlya-podgotovki-k-ustnoy-chasti-ege-po-inostrannomu-yazyku https://speaking.svetlanaenglishonline.ru/ege/exam https://speaking.svetlanaenglishonline.ru/oge/instruction/0

Слайд 26 Сайты,

где есть всё:
1. https://en.islcollective.com/resources/printables
Сайты, где есть всё:1. https://en.islcollective.com/resources/printables

Слайд 28 Agendaweb

Agendaweb    https://agendaweb.org

Слайд 29http://www.grammarbank.com/reading-comprehension-test.html


Слайд 30http://englishteststore.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=featured&Itemid=344


Слайд 31 British Council

British Councilhttp://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org

Слайд 32http://busyteacher.org/atoz/


Слайд 33Нельзя пойти в спортзал и натренироваться за 7 часов! - Система

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Нельзя пойти в спортзал и натренироваться за 7 часов! - СистемаФИПИНужно не всем (пока)Разные издательства – скидкиНовинки

Слайд 34shetavi@mail.ru


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