Презентация, доклад по английскому языку по теме Исследование подводных просторов

What words are connected with the phrase “water world”.A ship

Слайд 1Exploring the water world’s adventure

Exploring the water world’s adventure

Слайд 2What words are connected with the phrase “water world”.
A ship

What words are connected with the phrase “water world”.A ship

Слайд 3A boat

A boat

Слайд 4A bathyscaphe

A bathyscaphe

Слайд 5A scuba/An aqualung

A scuba/An aqualung

Слайд 6The Earth surface

The Earth surface

Слайд 7The Arctic Ocean

The Arctic Ocean

Слайд 8The Atlantic ocean

The Atlantic ocean

Слайд 9The Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean

Слайд 10The Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean

Слайд 11The oceans on the map

The oceans on the map

Слайд 12What does the diver mean?

What does the diver mean?

Слайд 13What does the diver mean?

What does the diver mean?

Слайд 14Jacques Yves Cousteau

Jacques Yves Cousteau

Слайд 15True or False
1. J.Y. Cousteau was a sea explorer.
2. Cousteau was

from Belgium.
3. Cousteau invented bathyscaphe.
4. Cousteau explored the water world on the ship called Columbus.
5. Calypso was the name of Cousteau’s second ship.
6. Cousteau explored the water world for 50 years.

True or False1. J.Y. Cousteau was a sea explorer.2. Cousteau was from Belgium.3. Cousteau invented bathyscaphe. 4.

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