Презентация, доклад по английскому языку по теме Спорт

Book GuideSport and Outdoor activitiesPerforming Arts:Theatre Performing Arts: CinemaThe Whole World Knows Them

О.В Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева

RAINBOW ENGLISHО.В Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева

Слайд 2Book Guide
Sport and Outdoor activities
Performing Arts:Theatre
Performing Arts: Cinema
The Whole World

Knows Them

Book GuideSport and Outdoor activitiesPerforming Arts:Theatre Performing Arts: CinemaThe Whole World Knows Them

Слайд 3Used to

She used to eat a lot of sweets
in her


but now she does not eat them.

Used toShe used to eat a lot of sweets in her childhoodbut now she does not eat

Конструкция used to
Конструкции:the more…the more, the longer…the more, the longer…the less,

the more…the less
Глаголы do, go, play с разными видами спорта
Время Past perfect
Предлоги in, on с словом field
Слово else
making proposals, saying «yes», «no»
Join in, …
Образование прилагательных
End с предлогами

REVISIONКонструкция used toКонструкции:the more…the more, the longer…the more, the longer…the less, the more…the lessГлаголы do, go, play

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