Презентация, доклад по английскому языку по теме Passive Voice. Causative, УМК Spotlight 11

Passive VoiceWith some verbs (bring, tell, send, show, tech, promise, buy, sell, read, offer, give, lend, etc.) we can form two different passive sentences.Philip will send Jane a gift. (active)A gift will be sent to Jane

Слайд 1Passive Voice
to be + V3

Mary makes tea.-
Tea is made by Mary.

Passive Voiceto be + V3Mary makes tea.-Tea is made by Mary.

Слайд 2Passive Voice
With some verbs (bring, tell, send, show, tech, promise, buy,

sell, read, offer, give, lend, etc.) we can form two different passive sentences.

Philip will send Jane a gift. (active)

A gift will be sent to Jane by Philip.(passive)
Jane will be sent a gift. (passive)

Passive VoiceWith some verbs (bring, tell, send, show, tech, promise, buy, sell, read, offer, give, lend, etc.)

Слайд 3Passive Voice
Passive sentences can be personal and impersonal.
Subject  +  Passive Verb

+  to Infinitive
It  +  Passive Verb +  Finite clause

They think that she is very ill. (active)

She is thought to be very ill. (personal)
It is thought that she is very ill. (impersonal)

Passive VoicePassive sentences can be personal and impersonal.PersonalSubject  +  Passive Verb +  to InfinitiveImpersonalIt  +  Passive Verb

Слайд 4Causative
подлежащее не является деятелем (не выполняет действие само) но! организовывает его

или просит у профессионала выполнить действие.

Subject  +  to (have) +  Object + V3

He paints the wall. (active)
He has the wall painted. (causative)

Causativeподлежащее не является деятелем (не выполняет действие само) но! организовывает его или просит у профессионала выполнить действие.Subject

Слайд 5Passive Voice ex.6, p.171
1 The museum was broken into last night.

Ten paintings were stolen.
3 I had the feeling that I was being watched.
4 This matter must be taken seriously.
5 More and more cars are being bought every year.
6 The statue has been damaged.
7 The proposal was submitted in writing.
8 I’m afraid your camera cannot be used here.

Passive Voice ex.6, p.1711 The museum was broken into last night.2 Ten paintings were stolen.3 I had

Слайд 6Causative ex.7, p.171
Jane had the car washed.
Tom will have all the

paper from his office recycled.
Jane is having special water filters put on all her taps.
Mike had his motorbike altered to give off less emissions.
Sally had diner cooked.
I had my dog looked at.
I had the shopping delivered to my house.
When will we have our local beach cleaned up?
Kelly has had her car fixed.
I had my wallet stolen.
Causative ex.7, p.171Jane had the car washed.Tom will have all the paper from his office recycled.Jane is

Слайд 7Test. Passive Voice
Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
Lomonosov founded Moscow University.

has brought some fresh apples from the garden.
They sell children’s books in the shop.
Rewrite the sentences in personal and impersonal passive.
People say that she has millions in the bank.
Fans expect that he will win an award.
Write the sentences. Use Causative.
They- the house – paint – last week
She – the car – wash - yesterday

Test. Passive VoiceRewrite the sentences in the passive.Lomonosov founded Moscow University.She has brought some fresh apples from

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