Презентация, доклад по английскому языку по теме: Мой колледж

CollegeDepartmentsTeachersStudentsHistoryPresent dayNon – academic activities

Слайд 1БПОУ ОО «Орловский техникум агротехнологий и транспорта»
Проект на тему: «College»

Выполнил: студент

группы № 5 М
Есипов Семен
Преподаватель: Кирдеева О.А.

Орел-2017 г.

БПОУ ОО «Орловский техникум агротехнологий и транспорта»Проект на тему: «College»Выполнил: студент группы № 5 М Есипов СеменПреподаватель:

Слайд 2College
Present day
Non – academic activities

CollegeDepartmentsTeachersStudentsHistoryPresent dayNon – academic activities

Слайд 3Our college is the best
The teachers are good there
We go to

college not to rest
But to learn clever thoughts and ideas.

Our college is the bestThe teachers are good thereWe go to college not to restBut to learn

Слайд 4Find the English words and their Russian equivalents
To pass exams

исследовательская работа



Students hostel

студент заочник

Teaching stuff

студент дневного отделения


современное оборудование







Assembly hall

актовый зал



Research work

преподавательский состав



Up-to-date equipment

курс обучения

To be equipped with

числиться в списках студентов

Course of study


Part-time student

быть оборудованным

Full-time student

сдать экзамен

To be enrolled

Find the English words and their Russian equivalentsпеременаTo pass exams отделениеBreak исследовательская работаCanteen спортзалStudents hostel студент заочникTeaching

Слайд 6 Let us tell you a few words about our

college. It is one of the best educational colleges in Orel.
Let us tell you a few words about our college. It is one of the

Слайд 7Our departments
Technology department
Mechanical department
Economic department

Our departmentsTechnology department Mechanical departmentEconomic department

Слайд 8The students of all departments number more than 358 people today.

The students of all departments number more than 358 people today.

Слайд 9We have a lot of laboratories which are equipped with up-to-date

equipment and students can carry on lab work and conduct various experiments and do research work.
We have a lot of laboratories which are equipped with up-to-date equipment and students can carry on

Слайд 10Students come across a lot of cultural and sport events during

their studying at college.
Students come across a lot of cultural and sport events during their studying at college.

Слайд 11 Our college provides students with a full range of

educational, leisure and social activities. As well as working hard for examination success, students can both contribute to their own personal development by taking part in the variety of extra-curricular activities: Athletics, Tennis, Skiing, Computers, Dance, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Drama.
Our college provides students with a full range of educational, leisure and social activities. As

Слайд 13For these events there are 2 large assembly halls, 2 libraries

and computer classes.

For these events there are 2 large assembly halls, 2 libraries and computer classes.

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