Презентация, доклад по английскому языку по теме США, Национальные парки

US National parks

Слайд 1Yellowstone National Park
National parks and natural reserves

Yellowstone National ParkNational parks and natural reserves

Слайд 2US National parks

US National parks

Слайд 3The map of the park

The map of the park

Слайд 4Yellowstone waterfall

Yellowstone waterfall

Слайд 5Geysers’ valley

Geysers’ valley

Слайд 6Mountainous river

Mountainous river

Слайд 7View on the mountains

View on the mountains

Слайд 8In the valley of geysers

In the valley of geysers

Слайд 9The elks of Yellowstone

The elks of Yellowstone

Слайд 10Grey wolves in winter

Grey wolves in winter

Слайд 11Horse riding in the park

Horse riding in the park

Слайд 12Buffalos in Yellowstone

Buffalos in Yellowstone

Слайд 13In the valley of Yellowstone

In the valley of Yellowstone

Слайд 14Young deer

Young deer

Слайд 15Grizzle bears are crossing the road in Yellowstone

Grizzle bears are crossing the road in Yellowstone

Слайд 16Attractive tourist sights: Welcome to Yellowstone

Attractive tourist sights: Welcome to Yellowstone

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