Презентация, доклад по английскому языку по теме Clothes (3 класс, интеллектуальная игра)


Irregular verbs. go – wentdo-didgive – gavegrow – grewmake – madebe – was/wereread – readdrink – drankeat – atetake - tookcan – couldsend - sent

Слайд 1Clothes
“The Kitten’s Clothes” Jeans and trousers, Sweaters and shirts, Socks and tights, And jackets and

skirts. T-shirts and shoes, High boots and mittens, These are the clothes Of the kittens.
Clothes“The Kitten’s Clothes” Jeans and trousers, Sweaters and shirts, Socks and tights, And jackets and skirts.

Слайд 2Irregular verbs.
go – went
give – gave
grow – grew
make – made
be –

read – read
drink – drank
eat – ate
take - took
can – could
send - sent
Irregular verbs. go – wentdo-didgive – gavegrow – grewmake – madebe – was/wereread – readdrink – drankeat

Слайд 3 Choose the right form of verb.
My dad ______for a walk in

the park yesterday.
Choose the right form of verb. go/wentMy dad ______for a walk in the park yesterday.

Слайд 4 Choose the right form of verb.
I ____ exercises everyday.

Choose the right form of verb. do/didI ____ exercises everyday.

Слайд 5 Choose the right form of verb.
I ____ exercises everyday.

Choose the right form of verb. give/gaveI ____ exercises everyday.

Слайд 6 Choose the right form of verb.
I ____ a cake for my

friend last year.
Choose the right form of verb. make/madeI ____ a cake for my friend last year.

Слайд 7 Choose the right form of verb.
He____ a letter to Santa Claus

every year.
Choose the right form of verb. send/sentHe____ a letter to Santa Claus every year.

Слайд 9Adverb
Do the task.
She is a good cook. – she cooks well.

AdverbDo the task.She is a good cook. – she cooks well.

Слайд 10He is a slow driver.

He is a slow driver.

Слайд 11They are slow thinkers.

They are slow thinkers.

Слайд 12He is a quick runner.

He is a quick runner.

Слайд 13He is a nice student.

He is a nice student.

Слайд 14She is a beautiful dancer.

She is a beautiful dancer.

Слайд 151. Name the clothes.

1. Name the clothes.12345678910

Слайд 162. Name winter clothes.

2. Name winter clothes.

Слайд 173. Say what clothes are wrong.

3. Say what clothes are wrong.

Слайд 184. Complete the poems with English words.
Кто и что здесь разберет,

моя рубашка …

Я однажды в шкаф залез
И обнаружил платье …

Моя мама шьет и ткёт,
Чтобы вышла юбка …

Загляни-ка в темный шкаф,
Там на полке шарфик, ...

Рядом дремлет серый кот, На моем пальтишке ...
A по полкам, прыг да скок, Скачет мой носочек …

Наряд ношу всегда один —Голубые джинсы...

Снег по-быстрее на улице тай, Чтобы ходить мне без колготок …

Чтобы ходить, как важный туз, Нужны ботинки, туфли, …
4. Complete the poems with English words.Кто и что здесь разберет,Где моя рубашка …Я однажды в шкаф

Слайд 195. Find the difference.

5. Find the difference.

Слайд 201. Назови вспомогательные глаголы для Future tense в утвердительной и отрицательной

форме, полной и краткой.
1. Назови вспомогательные глаголы для Future tense в утвердительной и отрицательной форме, полной и краткой.

Слайд 212. Назови 5 слов указателей времени (слова спутники) в Future Simple Tense.

2.	Назови 5 слов указателей времени (слова спутники) в Future Simple Tense.

Слайд 223. What will they do next weekend?

3. What will they do next weekend?1234

Слайд 234. Find mistakes and correct them.
1) She goes to school tomorrow.

He shall put on a jacket and trousers next Sunday.
3) They made a birthday cake for their mother next week.
4) Mike will get up early tommorow.
5) My sister sheln`t come home too late.

4. Find mistakes and correct them.1) She goes to school tomorrow.2) He shall put on a jacket

Слайд 245. Make questions.
1. I shall go shopping tomorrow.
2. He will put

mittens and a hat on.
3. I take the dress off my doll to put a blouse on.
4. They will make a surprise for her.
5. We shall wear warm mittens in winter.
5. Make questions.1. I shall go shopping tomorrow.2. He will put mittens and a hat on.3. I

Слайд 251. Какие степени сравнения прилагательных есть в английском языке? Назовите их

и приведите примеры.
1. Какие степени сравнения прилагательных есть в английском языке? Назовите их и приведите примеры.

Слайд 262. Name the adjectives.

2. Name the adjectives.12

Слайд 273. Compare things.

3. Compare things.1

Слайд 283. Compare the animals.

3. Compare the animals.2

Слайд 293. Compare the animals.

3. Compare the animals.3

Слайд 315. Complete the table.

5. Complete the table.

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