Презентация, доклад по английскому языку по теме Здоровая еда

Almost every modern person experiences a lack of healthy food in their ration©Office

Выполнила ученица 10 а класса
ГБОУ Республики Марий Эл
«Лицей им.

М.В. Ломоносова»
Дворникова Анастасия
HEALTHY FOODВыполнила ученица 10 а класса ГБОУ Республики Марий Эл«Лицей им. М.В. Ломоносова»Дворникова Анастасия

Слайд 2Almost every modern person experiences a lack of healthy food in

their ration


Almost every modern person experiences a lack of healthy food in their ration©Office

Слайд 3More and more people prefer fast food to the healthy options.

But fast food doesn’t have any advantages other than being fast to make and consume
More and more people prefer fast food to the healthy options. But fast food doesn’t have any

Слайд 4There are tons of healthy products you can enjoy which could

benefit your health at the same time
There are tons of healthy products you can enjoy which could benefit your health at the same

Eating fruits regularly benefits your body as they are natural sources

of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Rich in dietary fiber, fruits help improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Fruits are rich in potassium, which is important to keep your blood pressure regulated.

Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, is found in fruits, precisely citrus fruits. They are consumed widely for the common cold, wound healing, healthy skin, teeth, gums

Fruits are an important part of a healthy diet as they give ample energy without adding any unnecessary calories.

FRUITSEating fruits regularly benefits your body as they are natural sources of vitamins and minerals, which are

Rich in a host of useful nutrients and powerful antioxidants, vegetables

should be included in the daily diet.

According to a recent study, plant-based foods contain antioxidants that may improve blood sugar in people at risk for diabetes and heart diseases.

Eating fiber-rich vegetables keeps your digestive system clean and healthy.

A diet rich in vegetables increases the water intake and helps in flushing out toxins from your body.

VEGETABLESRich in a host of useful nutrients and powerful antioxidants, vegetables should be included in the daily

Слайд 7MEAT
Different forms of meat have a high amount of zinc content,

which helps to boost immunity. Due to its antioxidant properties, zinc is responsible for creating antibodies to fight free radicals that put us at a higher risk for chronic diseases. Protein, also sourced from meat, helps in the production of these antibodies to protect the body from infections.

Consumption of meat rich in omega-3 fatty acids is beneficial for healthy skin and hair. The fatty acids protect the skin from UV rays and restore the moisture to the skin for a natural glow. Vitamin A found in it ensures strong bones, teeth, healthy skin, and eyes. Intake of meat is also linked to improving the condition of a lot of skin diseases

MEATDifferent forms of meat have a high amount of zinc content, which helps to boost immunity. Due

Be healthy and try to eat healthy!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!Be healthy and try to eat healthy!

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