Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Описание картины Гейнсборо

«Village girl with dog and pitcher» by Thomas Gainsborough

Слайд 1
Description of the picture
Ивунина Татьяна Аркадьевна
МАОУ Лицей№8 г.

Description of the pictureИвунина Татьяна АркадьевнаМАОУ Лицей№8 г. Томск

Слайд 2

«Village girl with dog and pitcher»
by Thomas


«Village girl with dog and pitcher» by Thomas

Слайд 3Description of the picture
This oil painting shows a country scene.It

is a portrait of a little girl from a poor family. In the background there is the sky and an open countryside. In the foreground, there is a girl holding a pitcher in her right hand and holding a small dog in her left one. Both the girl and the dog look thoughtful, gazing at their further direction on the road. The colours are mostly green, brown, pink and blue in natural shades. The picture looks very realistic.
Description of the picture This oil painting shows a country scene.It is a portrait of a little

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