Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Нижегородская область для иностранных туристов


Sports and health routeSports and health route: Nizhny Novgorod

Слайд 1The guided tour of Nizhny Novgorod region
By Irine Vostrukhova
lyceum № 3

Novgorod region
The guided tour of Nizhny Novgorod regionBy Irine Vostrukhovalyceum № 3KulebakiNizhny Novgorod regionRussia

Слайд 2Sports and health route
Sports and health route: Nizhny Novgorod

Sports and health routeSports and health route: Nizhny Novgorod

Слайд 3FIFA World cup
The main event of this year is The

world Cup FIFA. The final takes place in the Russian Federation, in 11 cities of our country.
FIFA World cup The main event of this year is The world Cup FIFA. The final takes

Слайд 4«Nizhny Novgorod»
The sport-arena «Nizhny Novgorod» was built for the event in

«Nizhny Novgorod»The sport-arena «Nizhny Novgorod» was built for the event in 2017.

Слайд 5Before the championship
A lot of hotels for tourists were built for

a relatively short period of time. Some of them are situated near the stadium, so you do not need to use a transport.
Before the championshipA lot of hotels for tourists were built for a relatively short period of time.

Слайд 6Show jumping
Show jumping is an important competition between horse-riders. Such exciting

game will happen in Nizhny Novgorod from 30th September to 1st October in 2018.
Show jumpingShow jumping is an important competition between horse-riders. Such exciting game will happen in Nizhny Novgorod

Слайд 7Historical and cultural route
Historical and cultural route: Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas, Gorodets,


Nizhny Novgorod coat of arms

Arzamas coat of arms

Gorodets coat of arms

Semenov coat of arms

Historical and cultural routeHistorical and cultural route: Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas, Gorodets, Semenov.Nizhny Novgorod coat of arms Arzamas

Слайд 8The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin
The Kremlin was based in the year of

basing of Nizhny Novgorod in 1221. It is the art-historical, political and social center in the city.
The Nizhny Novgorod KremlinThe Kremlin was based in the year of basing of Nizhny Novgorod in 1221.

Слайд 9The Chkalov Stairs
The Staircase consists of 560 steps. It is the longest

staircase in the RF. It was built by Alexander Yakovlev.
The Chkalov StairsThe Staircase consists of 560 steps. It is the longest staircase in the RF. It was

Слайд 10Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street
This is the one of the oldest streets of

the RF. It had belonged to noblemen till 1917,then it became the main street of the city in the end of XVIII century.
Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street  This is the one of the oldest streets of the RF. It had

Слайд 11Nizhny Novgorod Fair
The one of the most important building in the

city is the Fair. It takes place in outback of the city. The Fair is one of the biggest Russian places for trade. Today it is not actually a fair, but an exhibition center.
Nizhny Novgorod FairThe one of the most important building in the city is the Fair. It takes

Слайд 12The Rukavishnikovs’ manor
The Rukavishnikovs’ manor is famous by its luxury. It

was built by architect P.S. Boitsov. The decoration in the house was created by artist M.O. Mikeshin.
The Rukavishnikovs’ manorThe Rukavishnikovs’ manor is famous by its luxury. It was built by architect P.S. Boitsov.

Слайд 13The house-museum of A. Gaidar
This house is the only one in

our country. Arcady Gaidar lived here in his childhood.
The house-museum of A. GaidarThis house is the only one in our country. Arcady Gaidar lived here

Слайд 14Arzamas Eiffel tower
The Arzamas Eiffel tower is like the Eiffel tower

in Paris. Its height is 8 m. The tower was created by Sergey Brodin in 2012.

Arzamas Eiffel towerThe Arzamas Eiffel tower is like the Eiffel tower in Paris. Its height is 8

Слайд 15The Museum of samovars
The museum was opened in Grishaev’s house in

2008. Nowadays there are about 500 samovars.
The Museum of samovarsThe museum was opened in Grishaev’s house in 2008. Nowadays there are about 500

Слайд 16The Museum of gingerbread in Gorodets
In XIX century in Gorodets there

was a big competition between cookers of gingerbreads. A secret of filling was passed on from one generation to another .

The Museum of gingerbread in GorodetsIn XIX century in Gorodets there was a big competition between cookers

Слайд 17Factory «Semenovskaya painting»
At the factory tourists can get a lot of

information about semenovskaya matryoshka. They can know the history of its creation.
Factory «Semenovskaya painting»At the factory tourists can get a lot of information about semenovskaya matryoshka. They can

Слайд 18The Museum of History and Art
The main part of this museum

is the interior of the merchant life. The most interesting thing is furniture which is made by Russian and French masters.
The Museum of History and ArtThe main part of this museum is the interior of the merchant

Слайд 19The route for the Orthodox pilgrims
The route for the Orthodox pilgrims:

Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas, Pavlovo, Diveyevo.

The route for the Orthodox pilgrimsThe route for the Orthodox pilgrims: Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas, Pavlovo, Diveyevo.

Слайд 20Pechersky monastery
It was based by sent Dionosyi in 1329. The monastery

was named in honor of Cathedral of saints of Radonezh.
Pechersky monasteryIt was based by sent Dionosyi in 1329. The monastery was named in honor of Cathedral

Слайд 21Holy cross convent
The convent was based by Andrey Suzdalskyi’ s wife

in 1360. It has 8 bells the largest of them weighs 600 kg.
Holy cross conventThe convent was based by Andrey Suzdalskyi’ s wife in 1360. It has 8 bells

Слайд 22St. Nicholas convent
It was based in the period of Ivan the

Terrible’s rule in 1580. A builder of the convent was Feofilact Yakovlev.

St. Nicholas conventIt was based in the period of Ivan the Terrible’s rule in 1580. A builder

Слайд 23Church of the icon of the mother of God " Life-giving


The church takes place near the Sobornaya area. There is a rare icon «Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary».

Church of the icon of the mother of God

Слайд 24Ostrovoezersky convent
The convent was based by Makaryi at the end of

XVI century. In totalitarian times it was destroyed.
Ostrovoezersky conventThe convent was based by Makaryi at the end of XVI century. In totalitarian times it

Слайд 25Cathedral of the ascension
It was based by the peasant P.A. Varypaev

in 1785. The cathedral was built in honor of «The resurrection of Christ».
Cathedral of the ascensionIt was based by the peasant P.A. Varypaev in 1785. The cathedral was built

Слайд 26Serafimo-Diveyevsky Convent
Serafimo-Diveyevsky Convent, one of the largest and frequently visited monasteries

in Russia, is located in Diveyevo. This is a popular Russian Orthodox pilgrimage destination because of major historical significance connected with Seraphim of Sarov
Serafimo-Diveyevsky ConventSerafimo-Diveyevsky Convent, one of the largest and frequently visited monasteries in Russia, is located in Diveyevo.

Слайд 27Ecological route
Ecological route in Nizhny Novgorod

Ecological route Ecological route in Nizhny Novgorod

Слайд 28Pustynsky reserve
Pustynsky reserve is the forest with area of 6200 ha.

Here monuments of nature eight karst lakes and two peat bogs are taken under protection. Currently, according to the environmentalists Pustynsky reserve and lakes are under threat.
Pustynsky reservePustynsky reserve is the forest with area of 6200 ha. Here monuments of nature eight karst

Слайд 29Switzerland Park
The central park was created in the suburban area of

Nizhny Novgorod thanks to students of gymnasiums, their parents and teachers in 1903.
Switzerland ParkThe central park was created in the suburban area of Nizhny Novgorod thanks to students of

Слайд 30The Botanical garden
The Botanical garden was created in 1933. There

are a lot of different kinds of trees, plants and flowers.
The Botanical garden The Botanical garden was created in 1933. There are a lot of different kinds

Слайд 31Alexander Garden
The date of basing of the park was 1835. It

was named in honor of Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. The area of the territory is about 35 ha.

Alexander GardenThe date of basing of the park was 1835. It was named in honor of Empress

Слайд 32The route for the business
Nizhny Novgorod region is composed of many

specialized industrial centres – Kstovo, Vyksa, Navashino, Arzamas, Pavlovo, Dzerzhinsk, Kulebaki etc.
The route for the businessNizhny Novgorod region is composed of many specialized industrial centres – Kstovo, Vyksa,

Слайд 33Vyksa Steel Works (AO VMZ)
Navashino building materials factory
Zavolzhsky wood processing factory

pipe plant 

Arzamas machine-building plant


Vyksa Steel Works (AO VMZ)Navashino building materials factoryZavolzhsky wood processing factoryKstovo pipe plant Arzamas machine-building plantJSC

Слайд 34Coat of arms

Coat of arms

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