Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на закрепление пройденного материала на тему Политическая система

TRUE or false1. The House of Lords is elected by the people.



Слайд 2TRUE or false
1. The House of Lords is elected by

the people.
TRUE  or false1. The House of Lords is elected by the people.

Слайд 32.The us president can veto laws passed by congress

2.The us president can veto laws passed by congress

Слайд 43. The Russian president doesn’t have much power.

3. The Russian president doesn’t have much power.

Слайд 54. The Supreme Court appoints federal judges.

4. The Supreme Court appoints federal judges.

Слайд 65. Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government.

5. Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government.

Слайд 76. The Russian president is involved only in legislative branch.

6. The Russian president is involved only in legislative branch.

Слайд 87. The British Queen is an integral part of Parliament in

her constitutional role.
7. The British Queen is an integral part of Parliament in her constitutional role.

Слайд 9What document of government is the most important?

What document of government is the most important?

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