Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на темуГород моей мечты

I have a dream. It’s a dream about the town where I would like to live.

Слайд 1My dream town.

My dream town.

Слайд 2I have a dream. It’s a dream about the town where I

would like to live.
I have a dream. It’s a dream about the town where I would like to live.

Слайд 3In this town people live in large cottages.

In this town people live in large cottages.

Слайд 4In front of the cottages are beautiful lawns.

In front of the cottages are beautiful lawns.

Слайд 5

And behind them there are a gardens and lakes.

And behind them there are a gardens and lakes.

Слайд 6The roads are wide and clean.

The roads are wide and clean.

Слайд 7

There are many trees and flowers on the streets.

There are many trees and flowers on the streets.

Слайд 8People enjoy the beautiful parks and watch the ducks

and swans on the lakes.
People enjoy the beautiful parks and watch the ducks      and swans on

Слайд 9There are many cinemas, theatres, museums, restaurants, libraries in the city.

There are many cinemas, theatres, museums, restaurants, libraries in the city.

Слайд 10
In the town of my dream there will be no crimes.

All people are very happy and friendly.
In the town of my dream there will be no crimes. All people are very happy and

Слайд 11The little children in the town of my dream are charming

with their pleasant smiles.
The little children in the town of my dream are charming with their pleasant smiles.

Слайд 12Every weekends all people enjoy the festivals and various programs of

cultural events.
Every weekends all people enjoy the festivals and various programs of cultural events.

Слайд 13Today it’s only a dream. But I believe that in the

near future there will be many such wonderful towns.
Today it’s only a dream. But I believe that in the near future there will be many

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