Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Внешность и черты характера (7 класс)

Today we are going to: develop your skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing;train the lexics and grammar; work with the texts in groups; do some training exercises. What is your personal aim?

Слайд 1March, 23

March, 23Wednesday

Слайд 2Today we are going to:

develop your skills of listening, speaking,

reading and writing;
train the lexics and grammar; work with the texts in groups; do some training exercises.

What is your personal aim?

Today we are going to: develop your skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing;train the lexics and

Слайд 3 Our theme is The way we look!

Our theme is The way we look!

Слайд 4How do you understand this picture?

How do you understand this picture?

Слайд 5Answer the questions:
What should a real officer be?
What shouldn’t a

real officer be?
Would you like to become an officer?
Answer the questions:What should a real officer be? What shouldn’t a real officer be?Would you like to

Слайд 6Read and write these words in transcription.
1) [gud ‘lukɪŋ]

10) ['leɪzɪ]
2) ['ɔnɪst] 11) [ɪm'pɔ:tənt]
3) [feə] 12) ['fæʃn]
4) [hed] 13) [ʃɜ:t]
5) ['ʃeɪplɪ] 14) [weə]
6) [ɪe] 15) ['ʤækɪt]
7) [aɪ] 16) ['trauzəz]
8) [ʃu:z] 17) [,fɜ: ‘kəut]
9) ['frendlɪ] 18) [staut]

Read and write these words in transcription.1) [gud ‘lukɪŋ]       10) ['leɪzɪ]

Слайд 7Say what your best friend is like:
How old is he/she?
What colour

is his/her hair?
What is his/her face like?
What colour are his /her eyes?
What is his/her mouth like?
What is his/her nose like?
What is his/her body like?
What is your friend like?
What is he/she interested in?
Say what your best friend is like:How old is he/she?What colour is his/her hair?What is his/her face

Слайд 8Label the picture:

Label the picture:

Слайд 9Name the clothes

Name the clothes

Слайд 10Express the same in English:
1) Быть ленивым и эгоистичным;
2) снять пальто,

сапоги и варежки;
3) выглядеть стильно;
4) носить теплый свитер;
5) старомодная одежда;
6) модный дизайнер;
7) выйти из моды;
8) надеть пижаму;
9) важно для учеников;
10) выглядеть ужасно.
Express the same in English:1) Быть ленивым и эгоистичным;2) снять пальто, сапоги и варежки;3) выглядеть стильно;4) носить

Слайд 11Form new words and translate into Russian

snow _ , rain _ , cloud _ , wind_

-er;-or: teach __ , read__ , visit__ , drive__

-ly: sad__ , happy__ , usual___ , near__

un-: ___kind, ____pleasant,____ friendly

Form new words and translate  into Russian -y:

Слайд 12Check up!

Your mark:
7 – “5”
5-6 – “4”
4 – “3”

Ex. 5 p. 34

Check up!abaa сb cYour mark:7 – “5”5-6 – “4”4 – “3” Ex. 5 p. 34

Слайд 13Let’s have a break!

Let’s have a break!

Слайд 14Check up!
a) - 4
b) - 5
c) - 1
d) - 3
Extra -


Your mark:
5 – “5”
4 – “4”
3 – “3”

Ex. 16 p. 39

Check up!a) - 4b) - 5c) - 1d) - 3Extra - 2Your mark:5 – “5”4 – “4”3

Слайд 15Check up!
Mr Radford
Mr Gibson
Ms Cook
Mr Light
Mr Morris
Mrs Light
Mrs Morris

Your mark:
8 –

6-7 - “4”
4-5 – “3”
Check up!Mr RadfordMr GibsonAndyMs CookMr LightMr MorrisMrs LightMrs MorrisYour mark:8 – “5”6-7 - “4” 4-5 – “3”

Слайд 16Check up! Ex. 29 p. 49
’ll buy


13) went
14) came
15) snowed
16) put
17) asked
18) was
19) smiled
20) ’ll get
21) wash
22) shouted
23) smiled
24)’ll get
25) begin

Your mark:
24-25 – “5”
19-23 - “4”
13-18 – “3”

Check up!     Ex. 29 p. 49marriedwassawsaidhave’ll buylikedlovedansweredaskto leaveare13) went14) came15) snowed16) put17) asked18)

Слайд 17Check up! Ex. 32 p. 51
didn’t i?

isn’t he?
aren’t they?
has it?
isn’t it?
weren’t we?
could she?
was it?
is there?

Your mark:
10 – “5”
7-9 - “4”
5-6 – “3”

Check up!     Ex. 32 p. 51didn’t i?won’t I?isn’t he?aren’t they?has it?isn’t it?weren’t we?could

Слайд 18
Let’s work with the text “CLOTHES”:

Let’s work with the text “CLOTHES”:

Слайд 19Group 1
Answer the following questions:

1) Why are clothes so important

for us?
2) What uniforms are good for?
3) What must the clothes be if people want to
look nice?

Why are your clothes important?

Group 1Answer the following questions: 1) Why are clothes so important for us?2) What uniforms are good

Слайд 20Group 2
Answer the following questions:

1) Do we buy different clothes

only for one season?
2) When do people in Russia wear fur coats, boots, hats, scarves, mittens?
3) What do English people say about weather and clothes?

What do we wear in cold and warm weather?

Group 2Answer the following questions: 1) Do we buy different clothes only for one season?2) When do

Слайд 21Group 3
Answer the following questions:

1) Is it important to wear

the right clothes to the right places?
2) Do all people have a talent for choosing and wearing clothes?
3) What is the best thing in choosing clothes?

Do we always know what to put on?

Group 3Answer the following questions: 1) Is it important to wear the right clothes to the right

Слайд 22Home task:

Review all the material + ex. 26 p. 47 (7-15*

Home task:Review all the material + ex. 26 p. 47 (7-15* sentences).

Слайд 23 Reflection

Did you manage to achieve your lesson aim?

of the lesson were
to develop your skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills;
to train the lexics and grammar; work with the texts in groups; to do some training exercises.

ReflectionDid you manage to achieve your lesson aim?  Aims of the lesson were to develop

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