Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Чайная церемония


Экзюпери:«Самая большая роскошь - это роскошь человеческого общения»

Слайд 1English Tea Party

English Tea Party

Слайд 2Экзюпери:
«Самая большая роскошь - это роскошь человеческого общения»

Экзюпери:«Самая большая роскошь - это роскошь человеческого общения»

Слайд 3Teapot
I'm a little teapot and stout. This

is my , This is my .
When the water's boiling, Give a shout, " Tip me over and pour me !"





TeapotI'm a little teapot       and stout. This is my

Слайд 4«Легче представить Британию без королевы, чем без чая»

«Легче представить Британию без королевы, чем без чая»

Слайд 5Чай в Англии – больше, чем чай. Традиции его пития соблюдают

и королева, и простые британцы.
Чай в Англии – больше, чем чай. Традиции его пития соблюдают и королева, и простые британцы.

Слайд 6The English drink tea six or seven times a day
In bed

The English drink tea six or seven times a dayIn bed

Слайд 7The English drink tea six or seven times a day

at breakfast

The English drink tea six or seven times a dayat breakfast

Слайд 8The English drink tea six or seven times a day

at lunch

The English drink tea six or seven times a dayat lunch

Слайд 9The English drink tea six or seven times a day

during the

The English drink tea six or seven times a dayduring the day

Слайд 10The English drink tea six or seven times a day

at 5

The English drink tea six or seven times a dayat 5 o'clock

Слайд 11In the 1662 Prince Charles II married the Portuguese princess, Catherine

of Braganza, who brought to England the habit (привычка) of drinking tea. Firstly tea had the success among(среди) aristocracy, and then among other English citizens. The popularity of tea was formed slowly but forever.
In the 1662 Prince Charles II married the Portuguese princess, Catherine of Braganza, who brought to England

Слайд 12“English Breakfast” comes at about 8 o`clock.
“Lunch Tea” comes at

11 or 12 o`clock.
“Tea Break” happens in the middle of the workday. It is called “12-oclock-tea”.
“Five o’clock tea” is the most popular and favorite tradition of drinking tea and eating cakes with friends.
“High Tea” comes there in the evenings.

“English Breakfast” comes at about 8 o`clock. “Lunch Tea” comes at 11 or 12 o`clock. “Tea Break”

Слайд 13The population of Great Britain is about 59 million people.

day British people drink 165 million cups of tea.
98 per cent of British people drink tea with milk and only 30 per cent people drink tea with sugar.

The population of Great Britain is about 59 million people. Every day British people drink 165 million

Слайд 14According to the tradition “five o’clock tea is taken with bread,

butter, fresh cucumbers .and tomatoes, eggs, different toasts, biscuits, jam, rolls and so on.

According to the tradition “five o’clock tea is taken with bread, butter, fresh cucumbers .and tomatoes, eggs,

Слайд 15The British don’t drink tea with lemon. They call it “Russian

tea”. They prefer “White tea”- tea with milk.

The British don’t drink tea with lemon. They call it “Russian tea”. They prefer “White tea”- tea

Слайд 16They like strong(крепкий) tea. In England they say jokingly: "The test(вкус)

of good tea is simple. If the spoon(ложка) stands up in it, then it is strong enough; if the spoon starts to wobble(качаться), it is a feeble(слабый) makeshift".

They like strong(крепкий) tea. In England they say jokingly:

Слайд 17For English tea ceremony you need:
a white tablecloth (скатерть)

For English tea ceremony you need:a white tablecloth (скатерть)

Слайд 18For English tea ceremony you need:
A small vase with fresh white


For English tea ceremony you need:A small vase with fresh white flowers

Слайд 19For English tea ceremony you need:

For English tea ceremony you need:  napkins

Слайд 20For English tea ceremony you need:

teapot with tea

For English tea ceremony you need:     a teapot with tea

Слайд 21For English tea ceremony you need:
a tea cup



For English tea ceremony you need:   a tea cupa saucer

Слайд 22For English tea ceremony you need:
A dessert plate

For English tea ceremony you need:A dessert plate

Слайд 23For English tea ceremony you need:

a teaspoon

a fork

a knife
For English tea ceremony you need:  a teaspoon      a fork

Слайд 24For English tea ceremony you need:
a jug

with boiled water

For English tea ceremony you need:  a jug  with boiled water

Слайд 25For English tea ceremony you need:
A jug with milk or cream

For English tea ceremony you need:A jug with milk or cream

Слайд 26For English tea ceremony you need:
A tea strainer with a saucer

for it

For English tea ceremony you need:A tea strainer with a saucer for it

Слайд 27For English tea ceremony you need:
a sugar-bowl with sugar cubes

For English tea ceremony you need:a sugar-bowl with sugar cubes

Слайд 28For English tea ceremony you need:
a tea-cozy

For English tea ceremony you need:a tea-cozy

Слайд 31Clean, but not water, White, but not snow, Sweet, but not

ice-cream, What is it?
Clean, but not water,  White, but not snow,  Sweet, but not ice-cream,  What is

Слайд 32What starts with T, ends with T and is full of


What starts with T, ends with T and is full of T? (tea-pot)

Слайд 33Take off my skin - I will not cry, but you

will! What am I?

Take off my skin - I will not cry, but you will! What am I? (Onion)

Слайд 34When is the best time to have lunch?

(After breakfast)

When is the best time to have lunch? (After breakfast)

Слайд 35What has lots of eyes but never sees? (Potato)

What has lots of eyes but never sees?  (Potato)

Слайд 36What kind of apple isn't an apple?

What kind of apple isn't an apple?    (Pineapple)

Слайд 37Which hand should we use to stir you tea? (Spoon)

Which hand should we use to stir you tea? (Spoon)

Слайд 38What kind of tables do people eat ? (Vegetable)

What kind of tables do people eat ? (Vegetable)

Слайд 39What has legs but cannot walk ?
(A table)

What has legs but cannot walk ? (A table)

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