Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему История Англии от Цезаря до Елизаветы II


NAME SLIDE №Introduction……………………………………3Conquest of England by the Romans……….4Reunion England………………………………5Conquest Vikings………………………………6The Normans in England……………………...7Henry I Board………………………… ......…...8Stefan Bluasky……………………………...…..9Plantagenet Dynasty…………………………10Richard I……………………………………….11Content

Слайд 1The History of England. From Julius Caesar to Elizabeth II
State-financed educational establishment

Comprehensive secondary school with advanced study of English language
№ 1383

Student: Kartuzova Dariya Olegovna, 7 «D» form
Tutor: Bagdasaryan Irina Yurievna, a teacher
of English language

The History of England. From Julius Caesar to Elizabeth II 	State-financed educational establishment  Comprehensive secondary school

Conquest of England by the Romans……….4
Reunion England………………………………5
Conquest Vikings………………………………6
The Normans in

Henry I Board………………………… ......…...8
Stefan Bluasky……………………………...…..9
Plantagenet Dynasty…………………………10
Richard I……………………………………….11


NAME					SLIDE №Introduction……………………………………3Conquest of England by the Romans……….4Reunion England………………………………5Conquest Vikings………………………………6The Normans in England……………………...7Henry I Board………………………… ......…...8Stefan Bluasky……………………………...…..9Plantagenet Dynasty…………………………10Richard

Слайд 3The unfortunate reign of John Lackland……….13
The reign of Henry III…………………………….14
Edward II…………………………………………...16

conquest of Edward III……………………….17
The last king of the Plantagenet dynasty……..…18

The unfortunate reign of John Lackland……….13The reign of Henry III…………………………….14King-warlord………………………………………15Edward II…………………………………………...16The conquest of Edward III……………………….17The last king

Слайд 4My repeated travel to England with my English teacher Irina Yurievna

Bagdasarian fall me in love with this country and awakened the great interest in its history.
I bought in London a lot of history books and thanks to Irina Yurievna learned to read and translate them.
I have produced a sociological survey in two schools and has revealed a lack of knowledge among students in the history and the rulers of England. I would like this project to help exploring the history of England in engrossing and laconically way.


My repeated travel to England with my English teacher Irina Yurievna Bagdasarian fall me in love with

Слайд 5In England during the time of the invasion of the island

of Julius Caesar (55 BC. E.), As well at the time of capture by the emperor Claudius, it was inhabited by the Britons. The first company to seize England Gaius Julius Caesar was unsuccessful, but the second brought them victory. The southern part of the island has been completely captured, while the northern resisted. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, the island began to populate the barbarian tribes Jutes, Saxons and the Angles. Over time, some of the kingdom began to form, creating Heptarchy Anglo-Saxon, which is the union of the seven kingdoms.

Conquest of England by the Romans

In England during the time of the invasion of the island of Julius Caesar (55 BC. E.),

Слайд 6It's hard to tell the exact time when England was united

definitively, but there is a version that the association has come together with the invasion of Danish Vikings, carrying out raids on these lands. Often, the first King of England called Egbert, King of Wessex, though the title "King of England" only arose when Alfred the Great. It was he who completed the unification of the Anglo-Saxons under the rule of Wessex. This was aided by the threat from the Danish Vikings who had seized a significant part of the English land. After taking the throne, Alfred defeated the Normans and stopped their advance to the south of England. It was signed a peace treaty, according to which in the north-east of the country, in Northumbria, the region created Denley ( "the Danish law"), a long time after that remain under the authority of the Scandinavians

Reunion England

It's hard to tell the exact time when England was united definitively, but there is a version

Слайд 7As time went on, and the Vikings made more and more

attacks on the territory of England. After a series of successful conquests of the English throne passed to the King of Denmark and Norway - Sven I, nicknamed the Forkbeard. Sven gave the command to collect more taxes, which caused discontent.

Conquest Vikings

As time went on, and the Vikings made more and more attacks on the territory of England.

Слайд 8After the Danish king of England took the restoration House of

Wessex. But this dynasty ruled for a brief period, in its place came the Normans, and became the first ruler of the Norman William I the Conqueror, who had brought many changes in the country. By the end of his reign he was able to establish a unified English kingdom, approved the statutes and the state control system, created an army and navy, had landed census.

The Normans in England

After the Danish king of England took the restoration House of Wessex. But this dynasty ruled for

Слайд 9The grandson of William Henry I, also spent a lot of

reforms, which formed the basis of the state system of England. The marriage of Henry with Matilda of Scotland led to the convergence of the Norman aristocracy with the Anglo-Saxon population, and later led to the formation of the English nation. But Henry did not leave behind a male heirs, which led to the war.

Henry I Board

The grandson of William Henry I, also spent a lot of reforms, which formed the basis of

Слайд 10When Henry ascended the throne Bluasky Stephen, whose reign was different

anarchy and civil war with his cousin Matilda. The war lasted a long time.

Stefan Bluasky

When Henry ascended the throne Bluasky Stephen, whose reign was different anarchy and civil war with his

Слайд 11. Despite the desire of Stephen put on the throne of

his son, became the next ruler of England, Henry II of, pervonachalnik Plantagenet dynasty, one of the most powerful monarchs of the time, whose possessions extended from the Pyrenees to Scotland. A domestic Henry first began to reform the judicial system. Since the feudal lords are so accustomed to 20 years of life without a king to repair lynching that people were hanged at the slightest provocation, sparing neither women nor hungry children nor the elderly. It is Henry II introduced the jury, who were recruited from among the rich peasants and knights. This Ship is relevant in many countries to this day. However, in the governance of the affairs of the first king of the Plantagenet dynasty, was a serious competition to church authority

Plantagenet Dynasty

. Despite the desire of Stephen put on the throne of his son, became the next ruler

Слайд 12Henry's successor was his son Richard the Lionheart (also has the

nickname of Richard Yes-and-No, meaning that it is easy to persuade in one direction or another) of Particular fame he received after the third Crusade (1190).

Richard I

Henry's successor was his son Richard the Lionheart (also has the nickname of Richard Yes-and-No, meaning that

Слайд 13. Due to blood poisoning king Richard died, after appointing a

heir to the throne of his brother John (John). His reign is considered one of the most disastrous in the history of England, for which he received his nickname "Lackland". Began his reign the conquest of Normandy by the French king Philip II and ended the civil war. John almost toppled from his throne. After the signing of the Magna Carta, restricting his power, reputation John even more spoiled. And since no English monarch called his heirs the same name

The unfortunate reign of John Lackland

. Due to blood poisoning king Richard died, after appointing a heir to the throne of his

Слайд 14. The next ruler was Henry III of Winchester, which is

the most obscure representative of the British monarchy, despite the fact that he ruled the longest of the Medieval kings of England – 56 years

The reign of Henry III

. The next ruler was Henry III of Winchester, which is the most obscure representative of the

Слайд 15After his father ascended the throne of Edward I Longshanks, of

which his contemporaries knew him as a warlord, though subsequent generations he is remembered in the past as a legislator and administrator. Edward restored the authority of the monarchy, fallen under Henry III to a low point, and have influenced the formation of English institutions and social structure of the country primarily as one of the founders of the Parliament. Edward is so strongly influenced by the right as a legislator that most of his statutes remained in customary law for many generations.


After his father ascended the throne of Edward I Longshanks, of which his contemporaries knew him as

Слайд 16Next, the English took the throne of Edward II by the

nickname Carnarvonshire, the main error of which was that he was not involved in political intrigue and is generally considered a policy of unbearably boring. This affected fatally for his rule, which he neglected or studied only sporadically.

Edward II

Next, the English took the throne of Edward II by the nickname Carnarvonshire, the main error of

Слайд 17Because of the failure of the reign of Edward II there

was a rebellion in which he took the throne his youngest son Edward III. His reign is considered the brightest epoch in the history of Medieval England. His first business was to renew the war with Scotland. He was able to inflict full of wrecked. However, he had to leave, as the Scots once again took up arms. In subsequent years Edward a lot of times went into the rebellious country, made in this place innumerable heroic deeds, but never able to fully subdue her to his power. Then the king's eye moved on to the continent. Died the French king Charles, and Edward hastened to reclaim their rights to the throne, being a grandson of Charles. However, the throne was inherited by Philip, that was the beginning for an incredibly long war, called a century. Despite the brilliant victory over the French, after 40 years, Edward had to admit his sad defeat.

. The conquest of Edward III

Because of the failure of the reign of Edward II there was a rebellion in which he

Слайд 18The successor to the throne was Edward's grandson Richard II (as

his father died during the life of the grandfather) He was not as brilliant a warrior as his grandfather and father, and sought to put an end to the hundred years ' war, begun by Edward III. He firmly believed in the Royal prerogative, forcing Richard to limit the power of its nobility. In addition, Richard contributed to the development in the court atmosphere in which the king was a kind of exalted figure, and the focus was on culture and art, in contrast to the military fraternity at the court of his grandfather. Richard was the last king of the Plantagenet dynasty.

The last king of the Plantagenet dynasty.

The successor to the throne was Edward's grandson Richard II (as his father died during the life

Слайд 19The Lancastrian dynasty could not last long because of the war

of the roses, in which two of the most influential families of England, the Yorks and the Lancasters – claimed the throne. After removal from the throne of Henry VI of Lancaster, to the throne ascended the Yorks, but not for long. After that, in England, established a new dynasty – the Tudors, stopped the civil war.

Dynastic war.

The Lancastrian dynasty could not last long because of the war of the roses, in which two

Слайд 20The first king of the Tudor dynasty was Henry VII, who

married the sister of Edward V Elizabeth came to the throne. In the coat of arms of the Tudors, so scarlet and White roses United. Which lasted about 30 years, the feud ended. Almost all his reign he dealt ruthlessly with numerous conspiracies and revolts.

. The end of strife and ruthless king

The first king of the Tudor dynasty was Henry VII, who married the sister of Edward V

Слайд 21The next ruler was Henry VIII, most famous for his many

reformations and a large number of wives. He was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church, leading himself head of the Anglican Church. He was able to create a powerful fleet and to bring profit to the state Treasury, destroying the monasteries.

Reformer Henry VIII.

The next ruler was Henry VIII, most famous for his many reformations and a large number of

Слайд 22Son of Henry, Edward, grew up a sickly child and after

his father's death the rules very long. To replace him came his sister, Bloody Mary I, a staunch Catholic, wants to undo the reforms of his late father. For the persecution on the Protestants, the Queen is not put at home no monument, and the day of her death was celebrated in the country as a national holiday.

. The bloody Queen

Son of Henry, Edward, grew up a sickly child and after his father's death the rules very

Слайд 23Queen Elizabeth I was the last of his dynasty, as she

died leaving no heir. The reign of Queen Elizabeth called "the Golden age of England", in connection with the flowering of culture and the increasing importance of England on the world stage. Her reign was the final design of Absolutism in the country.

Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I was the last of his dynasty, as she died leaving no heir. The reign

Слайд 24So the Tudor dynasty ended, to the English throne was crowned

Scottish king Jacob (James) I Stuart, whose mother claimed the throne when Elizabeth and was executed. Thus two warring countries were United. During his reign, Jacob was in conflict with the Parliament, and after a while altogether dismissed. Due to the lack of money the king began to sell titles, but it could not cover public spending. Soon, the debt has increased to astronomical amounts of 1 million pounds.

Scots on the throne.

So the Tudor dynasty ended, to the English throne was crowned Scottish king Jacob (James) I Stuart,

Слайд 25After his father's death, the English monarch was the youngest son

of former king Karl (Charles) I. Being very unpopular in his country monarch, he advocated the softening of the attitude towards Catholics in England. Tolerance caused indignation of the puritans. But after the uprising of the Catholics in Ireland in the country and even civil war broke out, in which Carl was defeated. The king was executed and the monarchy was abolished. All power was in the hands of Cromwell.

The overthrow of king Charles I

After his father's death, the English monarch was the youngest son of former king Karl (Charles) I.

Слайд 26The next ruler already English Republic became the famous commander, whose

troops were able to defeat the king's army. Oliver Cromwell came from a wealthy family of Puritan landowner. Ancestors of Cromwell amassed wealth in the ruin of the monasteries in the time of Henry VIII. After the victory over the king, Cromwell brutally crushed a rebellion in Scotland and Ireland and received the title of Lord Protector. Until his death, he had popularity among the people, including through the image of "national" policy in contrast to the respectable gentry and the king. Of particular importance in this case there was such a trait of Cromwell, as absolute integrity. It is also important to note that Cromwell was constantly guarded and often changed places overnight.

Lord protector of England

The next ruler already English Republic became the famous commander, whose troops were able to defeat the

Слайд 27. However, the son of Oliver Cromwell, Richard, quickly resigned, and

England returned to the monarchy. The country returned to Carl (Charles) II, the youth of which was held on the continent. Evaluation of Charles as a ruler controversial: some historians consider him weak and reactionary king, others, on the contrary, one of the most outstanding rulers of Britain: when it established the separation of powers between king and Parliament, formed political parties, the tories and the Whigs.

The return of the monarchy in the Kingdom.

. However, the son of Oliver Cromwell, Richard, quickly resigned, and England returned to the monarchy. The

Слайд 28 After Charles to the English throne was succeeded by his

brother James II, the last Catholic on the English throne. After only a few months after his accession to the throne in Britain, began armed actions against the government of James II. The monarch was overthrown during "Glorious revolution"

New unrest in the country..

After Charles to the English throne was succeeded by his brother James II, the last Catholic

Слайд 29The Parliament was called to the throne arrived from the Netherlands

and Maria Wilhelm. The reign of William III was for England, when was formed the parliamentary principles that underlie the unwritten Constitution of the country. At this time England came out of international isolation and restore its prestige in Europe.

The King and the Queen.

The Parliament was called to the throne arrived from the Netherlands and Maria Wilhelm. The reign of

Слайд 30The next ruler was Anna. But the Queen was not inclined

to engage in the daily Affairs of government; in her reign the real power is concentrated in the hands of the aristocratic members of the house of lords and Ministers. For special influence at court was used by the Duke of Marlborough, aka John Churchill and his wife Sarah. Anne became the first monarch of the United Kingdom and it also interrupted the dynasty of the Stuarts.

The last Scion of the Stuarts.

The next ruler was Anna. But the Queen was not inclined to engage in the daily Affairs

Слайд 31The first representative on the throne of the dynasty of Hanover

became George I. During his reign wspiho Jacobite rebellion, wishing to see James on the throne, but the rebellion was successfully suppressed.

George I

The first representative on the throne of the dynasty of Hanover became George I. During his reign

Слайд 32Then on the English throne was the monarch, not fond of

their country and barely spoke English. However, in the reign of George II England has achieved great foreign policy successes. Defeat in the wars of the Austrian succession and the Seven years, the British ousted the French from North America and India and has gained immense colonial possessions in both hemispheres. Growing industry and domination of world trade made England one of the most powerful and dynamically developing countries of the time. Although the personal merits of George in this was minor, external success has given a lustre to his rule, and by the time of his death he had acquired even a certain popularity among the people.

The monarch, who did not like their own state.

Then on the English throne was the monarch, not fond of their country and barely spoke English.

Слайд 33The reign of the next ruler of England was the third

of the length (almost 60 years). However, when George III America moved away from England, and after it occurred the American revolution.

Distancing America by George III.

The reign of the next ruler of England was the third of the length (almost 60 years).

Слайд 34Then the throne was occupied by George IV. Despite the fact

that officially the king of England later, he ruled on behalf of the state during exacerbations of mental illness of his father. The period of his reign was the struggle of great Britain against Napoleon, which ended with the victory of the British.

George IV and the war with Napoleon.

Then the throne was occupied by George IV. Despite the fact that officially the king of England

Слайд 35After George the king became his 64-year-old brother William. In his

youth the future king served in the Navy, was subsequently nicknamed the "King sailor". He served in North America, but the hostilities almost did not participate. During the seven years of his reign there were several important reforms: revised legislation on the poor conducted by the democratization of the municipalities, for the first time, restricted child labor, and throughout the British Empire abolished slavery. William was the last British monarch appoints the Prime Minister against the will of Parliament. The Kingdom of Hanover, he granted a liberal Constitution.

. The king-sailor

After George the king became his 64-year-old brother William. In his youth the future king served in

Слайд 36Soon to reign on the throne was Queen Victoria. She inherited

the throne at age 18, as all three older brothers, her father died, leaving no legitimate children. By this time the United Kingdom was represented by the current constitutional monarchy, where the monarch had virtually no political power. However, Victoria attempted to influence government policy and the appointment of Ministers. For the people it has become a national icon and was considered a man of strict morals.

The Victorian era.

Soon to reign on the throne was Queen Victoria. She inherited the throne at age 18, as

Слайд 37Although the mother of the future heir to the throne, Victoria,

and considered his son to be extremely careless, but when Edward VII came to the throne after the death of his mother, his diplomatic talent developed fully. In Europe he was considered a king, a peacemaker. He never sought to war. This is evidenced by the following case. In 1903, when France and great Britain there was a confrontation, that Edward convinced the President of France works to begin full-scale war. This meeting influenced the policies of the three countries, as a result, he created the Union of the three States of the Entente. It included Britain, France and Russia. A small conflict and the deterioration in relations between Russia and Britain occurred during the Russo-Japanese war. At this time, despite the agreement, Britain was supplying military ships of Japan. Only when three years have passed since the end of hostilities, the parties came to an agreement. King Edward went to Russia for negotiations with Nicholas II, and they came to an agreement that satisfied both countries. As the king of England was in relationship with practically all the monarchs in Europe that ruled at the time. Sometimes it was even called "Uncle of Europe ".

Edward VII.

Although the mother of the future heir to the throne, Victoria, and considered his son to be

Слайд 38George V.
In England the new king was faced with two difficult

political situations. The house of lords rejected the budget proposed by the house of Commons; the latter, in response, has put forward a bill of Parliament that significantly limits the power of the house of lords. At the request of the Prime Minister, Herbert Asquith, the king was forced to promote the adoption of a bill of Parliament. The second arose from the proposals on the introduction of home rule (self-government) in Ireland. Facing the threat of rebellion by the king in 1914 called the representatives of all parties, but the decision on this issue has not been taken. The Anglo-Irish Treaty was signed in 1921. During the First world war George V renounced all personal and family German titles and changed the name of the Royal house from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor.

George V.In England the new king was faced with two difficult political situations. The house of lords

Слайд 39Elizabeth II.
Elizabeth II is the oldest British monarch in history. She

is currently the record holder for time spent on the British throne, as well as duration of stay as head of state among all the existing heads of state. Is the most elderly in the world among female heads of States, and in Europe — the oldest current head of state. For the period of the reign of Elizabeth II falls very wide period of British history: the process of decolonization that marked the final collapse of the British Empire and its transformation into the Commonwealth of Nations. This period also included many other events, such as prolonged ethno-political conflict in Northern Ireland, the Falklands war, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Elizabeth II.Elizabeth II is the oldest British monarch in history. She is currently the record holder for

Слайд 40- Wikipedia
- Tudors and Stuarts. – Fiona Patchett, Kate Davies.

- monarhs.info
- 2mir-istorii.ru
- fb.ru
- citaty.su
- peoples.ru
- hrono.ru


- Wikipedia - Tudors and Stuarts. – Fiona Patchett, Kate Davies. - monarhs.info- 2mir-istorii.ru- fb.ru- citaty.su- peoples.ru-

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