Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Romance films

1. The two main characters are devastatingly attractive. Both members of the relationship have appealing appearance.

Слайд 1 Romance films

Romance films

Слайд 21. The two main characters are devastatingly attractive. Both members of

the relationship have appealing appearance.
1. The two main characters are devastatingly attractive. Both members of the relationship have appealing appearance.

Слайд 32. Occasionally, romance lovers face obstacles such as finances, physical illness,

various forms of discrimination, psychological restraints that threaten to break their union of love.
2. Occasionally, romance lovers face obstacles such as finances, physical illness, various forms of discrimination, psychological restraints

Слайд 4 3.Then the lovers come to a realization that they

were wrong they can not live without each other and they get back together, and live happily

3.Then the lovers come to a realization that they were wrong they can not live

Слайд 54. There's a happy period of time, where they spend every

moment together, and happy music plays in the background.
4. There's a happy period of time, where they spend every moment together, and happy music plays

Слайд 65. The girl who is the main character is modest, quiet,

she doesn't stand out from the crowd.
5. The girl who is the main character is modest, quiet, she doesn't stand out from the

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