Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Невербальные средства коммуникации

Nonverbal Messages Allow People To: Reinforce or modify what is said in words Convey information about their emotional state Define or reinforce the relationship between people Provide feedback to the other person Regulate the

Слайд 1Nonverbal Means of Communication

Nonverbal Means of Communication

Слайд 3 Nonverbal Messages Allow People To:
Reinforce or modify what is said

in words

Convey information about their emotional state

Define or reinforce the relationship between people

Provide feedback to the other person

Regulate the flow of communication
Nonverbal Messages Allow People To:  Reinforce or modify what is said in words Convey information

Слайд 4Nonverbal Communication Includes:
Body movements and posture (Kinesics)
Facial expressions

Nonverbal Communication Includes:Body movements and posture (Kinesics)Facial expressions

Слайд 5Nonverbal Communication Includes:
Eye contact (Oculesics)

Nonverbal Communication Includes:GesturesEye contact (Oculesics)

Слайд 6Touch (Hapstic)

Space (Proxemics)

Nonverbal Communication Includes:

Touch (Hapstic)Space (Proxemics)Nonverbal Communication Includes:

Слайд 7Voice (Paralanguage)
“Oh” can mean…

“You’re surprised me”.
“I made a mistake”.
“You made me

so happy”.
“I’m bored”.
“I’m fascinated”.
“I don’t understand”.


Nonverbal Communication Includes:

Voice (Paralanguage)“Oh” can mean…“You’re surprised me”.“I made a mistake”.“You made me so happy”.“I’m bored”.“I’m fascinated”.“I don’t understand”.AppearanceNonverbal

Слайд 8Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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