Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Моя Семья (5 клас)

Some families are large.Some families are small But I love my family best of all!

2 "В"
Sivolapov Maxim


Слайд 2Some families are large.
Some families are small But I love my

family best of all!
Some families are large.Some families are small But I love my family best of all!

Слайд 3My name is Maxim.
I am 8.
I am from Russia, from Peschanokopskoe.

live in the house.

I have got a family.

My family is big .

My name is Maxim.I am 8.I am from Russia, from Peschanokopskoe.I live in the house.I have got

Слайд 4My grandfather likes
cars, fishing and watching TV.
He is brave, merry.

My grandfather likescars, fishing and watching TV.He is brave, merry.

Слайд 5My grandmother likes reading.
She is kind and smart.

My grandmother likes reading.She is kind and smart.

Слайд 6My mother's name is Valya.
She is careful, kind.

My mother's name is Valya.She is careful, kind.

Слайд 7My father's name is Vanya.

He is attentive, strict.
I have got two

brothers: Matvei and Semeyon.
I love my family best of all!!!!!
My father's name is Vanya.i»He is attentive, strict.I have got two brothers: Matvei and Semeyon. I love

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