Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему In harmony with the world

«Everyone should achieve harmony with the world.»

Слайд 1«In Harmony with the World.»

«In Harmony with the World.»

Слайд 2«Everyone should achieve harmony with the world.»

«Everyone should achieve harmony with the world.»

Слайд 3«Travel a lot.»

«Travel a lot.»

Слайд 4«Travel does not require a lot of money.»

«Travel does not require a lot of money.»

Слайд 5«You need to save up quite a bit.»

«You need to save up quite a bit.»

Слайд 6«Not to dwell on your emotions.»

«Not to dwell on your emotions.»

Слайд 7«Emotions are just emotions.»

«Emotions are just emotions.»

Слайд 8«They appear, change and disappear.»

«They appear, change and disappear.»

Слайд 9«This is an ongoing process.»

«This is an ongoing process.»

Слайд 10«Be tolerant.»

«Be tolerant.»

Слайд 11«People around you will reach out to you.»

«People around you will reach out to you.»

Слайд 12«Turn off self-criticism.»

«Turn off self-criticism.»

Слайд 13Whatever you achieve, there is always someone who will achieve more.

Whatever you achieve, there is always someone who will achieve more.

Слайд 14«Sо blame yourself does not make sense.»

«Sо blame yourself does not make sense.»

Слайд 15Thank you for your attention.

Thank you for your attention.

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